Chapter 68

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Our gazes look sadly at the horizon of Surter digging his sword into Asgard. Waves of flame travel out of it and cause buildings to tumble down. The rock man begins to speak but I block him out.  Asgard was the first place I felt safe in my life and it's the first time I felt like I was part of something bigger. 

I can't imagine how Thor and Loki who have grown up here, how the places where they made memories with their friends and family is gone and destroyed. I couldn't find Lady Sif or Volstagg or Fandral or anyone else they were friends with. Thor and Loki have lost so much in their lives that we often forget that even mighty gods can feel sad. 

We all watch as the monster digs his sword into Asgard one last time and the realm explodes in a great ball of light. Thor looks down at the ground before making his way through the crowd to the front of the ship, all of us follow Thor, including the rock man. 

Thor sits down in the chair that looks over the galaxy. He smiles at all of us before giving a brief wave to the Asgardians who look proudly at their new king. Thor looks between us.

"So king of Asgard," Heimdall says, "where to?" 

"I'm not sure," Thor looks between our silent selves before turning to the rock man, "Miek, where are you from?" 

"Oh Miek is dead," The rock man points at the razored armed creature before continuing, "yeah no I accidentally stomped on him on the bridge, I've just felt so guilty I've been carrying him around all day." With a start, Miek wakes up and looks around at us, "Aw Miek you're alive, he's alive guys. What was your question again?" 

Thor looks forward and into the abyss of space before smiling. 

"Earth it is." 

I was the first to disperse from the crowd, Thor and Banner both don't know about the accords and the conflict between the Avengers. My hands tangle through my hair as I try to word it correctly and not just say, "Hey, Thor, Bruce btw the Avengers split up."  I can't just break it to Thor like that. We're his second family and he already lost half of his real one. I take a deep breath as the correct words begin to form in my mind. 

Something pulls me to the front of the ship and I follow it. Thor and Loki look out into the abyss of space. Thor pats Loki on the shoulder before looking over at him with a smile on his face. 

"Hey, Thor?" I say and they both turn around. I feel slightly bad for ruining the moment but then shake it off when I remember what I was here for. "Listen there's something you should probably know about Earth. About a year ago, the Avengers went to..." a large ship appears behind the two of them and chills run up and down my spine. "Shit!"

They both twist back around and their faces fill with fear at the sight, I look over at Loki who lost the color in his face. He and I both knew what this means. Thanos was here. 

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