Chapter 63

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"How do you know who I am?" I ask but a chuckle is the only response given by the quiet room. Footsteps sound right behind me and before I know it, long black hair and emerald eyes that were dead stare at me.

"Loki?" I say and he only scoffs.

"Hello, Grace." Rage fills my veins and if I wasn't restrained he would be begging for me to let him go. He only smiles at me before walking over towards the master of grand. Loki whispers something to him before flicking his eyes back to me. Loki takes something from the Grandmaster and comes up to me, rage fills my eyes when he clicks something on my neck but the restraints come off. I look at the Grandmaster before attacking Loki.

"This is for New York!" I shout and scratch at his face, my body cramps up and a gasp escapes my lips as I plop over the side of Loki on the ground. He swiftly gets up before chuckling. My body screaming and flailing in pain from the electricity igniting in my neck and spreading throughout my body. I release a breath from the calmness returning to my body, but the ringing in my ears continuously remind me of the pain I just went through.

"Now that we calmed her down," Loki's voice echoes around me and I focus on the blurry figure standing over me, "she will come with me to find the one you called us here to."

Another figure appears, wearing dark clothes and with long brown hair on their head, the blurriness recedes and shows me a woman gazing down at me. I try to move but my muscles scream from the cramping up. I pant, trying to make my body calm down more quickly, my fingertips move slowly and soon my hands are picking me up off the floor.

"Once you have completed this mission of sorts," the Grandmaster says, waving his arms dramatically and making the robes move back and forth, "you will return her back to me."

"Now hold on a damn second, just because I crash into your planet doesn't mean me or my-" I whip my head around and don't see him anywhere. "Where is he?"

"Who?" The woman next to the Grandmaster asks, I look over at her trying to figure out what to say.

"The boy I fell onto this planet with, where is he?" The desperation peeking out of my voice which only brings a smile to the Grandmaster's face.

"Why is it some new lover?" Loki asks, "Look how the old one turned out."

It took all my might to not attack Loki at this very moment, I clench and unclench my fists at my side and keep my gaze forward. I wonder how he knew about Peter, even the thought of him causes my heart to clench up in my chest.

"No, it's not," I say in a lower voice. My chin raises up and I roll my shoulders. "If I do what you need me to do, will you let me see him?"

He looked between me, Loki and the girl next to me before smiling. He hands the woman something and she walks over to me, a grin pulling at her lips. With her palm open, she slams a piece of metal onto my face, muzzling me from saying anything else. I fumble with the gadget only to not have any result on taking it off.

"Alright, you got yourself a deal." He says before looking at the three of us. "Chop chop."


We walk out of the room, both Loki and the girl on either side of me. Thoughts of what is happening to my brother whirl around in my brain, bringing ideas into my mind that brings me to send prayers to my brothers in sisters. I look up at the sound of knives clashing

"Choose your next words wisely," the woman says after slamming Loki against the wall. I think about helping him but go against it when I remember he gave the Grandmaster my true identity. His green eyes flick towards me before returning to her.

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