Chapter 84

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My gaze stays on the ceiling, imagining the stars shining through them. A red glow begins to cast from my arms and morphs into the walls changing them from the purple to a dark blue. Lights twinkle out of it and soon my bed disappears from under me and I'm floating. Floating in a galaxy of stars. My pendant from Natasha floats up from my neck and I grab at it.

"I found you in the stars," I whisper. My heart pounds and flutters against my ribcage at the thought of Loki. How can he do this to me? Not even Peter made me feel that way.

An image of Loki's room comes into my mind and blue flames create a glow around me. They direct themselves into a vortex with black in the center. I float my way towards it and flow through it.

Loki's eyes are the first things that greet me when I land on my feet. I blush at my pajamas and he just smiles at me. He raises and wraps his arms around me and gently places his lips onto mine.

"I have something to show you," I take his hand and step backward, pulling him into the galaxy of stars. His eyes reflect the sparkles and glow in the darkness. The red flames replace the blue and cast a glow between our bodies. Both our hands intertwine as we head towards a star.

Warmth embraces us as we hold onto the other, dancing around in the emptiness. A laugh escapes my lips when he twirls me, a smile covers his face when he stops my body from moving so we'd be facing each other.  

"Grace," Loki's fingers push my head up to look at him and I feel my heart skip a beat. His fingers intertwined into my hair and a grin spreads across my lips from the feeling. "How can I be so lucky to call you my girlfriend?"

We've only been dating a day, yet it feels like an eternity that we have been together. My cheeks blush and he pulls me in for a kiss, the touch ignites a storm of electricity in me. I close my eyes, grasping onto this moment. I can hear his heartbeat. It thumps quickly in my mind creating soft throbs throughout my body.

"Loki," the word slides off my tongue with ease. I can see the flicker of happiness in his eyes at the sound of his name coming from my lips. "How are we going to do this? How often are we going to be able to see each other?"

The thought has been nagging me in the back of my mind all day. It scares me that we will never be able to see each other once destiny begins to fall out the way it was supposed to be the first time. I know that everything will play out the way it is meant to, but sometimes it just seems that life wants to bring me down and do the opposite that I want.

"We will make it work," the words come gently out of his lips. "Even when destiny wants us to stay apart, we will be together."

I nod my head even though I know life will only bring me pain. My arms wrap themselves around his body and I pull him close. Taking in everything I can before we have to let go. The time is beginning to fall short due to my abilities shortcircuiting. The coolness of space begins to shift to my heated room and the scene transfers between my bedroom and the stars.

The flames transfer from red to blue and a portal pulls us to Loki's room. Our hands interlock with each other and his fingers play with the flames. They twirl them into a tornado and he smiles at the sensation. The light of the flames wavers and energy begins to empty out of my system.

"Loki, I have to go," as much as I don't want to I have to, or else I can't leave. Our gazes connect and we share one last kiss before the portal pulls me back into my room.


Tony and Pepper were downstairs making breakfast. My hair still wet from the shower I had taken to clear my head. They both smile at me when I made my way down.

"Hey," I say and my eyes flick down to Pepper's stomach, I just now notice her little bump. Tony notices my gaze and places his hand gently on it. Pepper lets out a laugh and places her hand over his. I imagine that being me, and for once looking towards my future I see someone standing by my side.

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