Chapter 60

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"Again," I say, Agerathea lays on the table, her body unconscious as the machine does its work on her mind. She should be praising us for fixing her ear as we did instead of sneaking in and listening in on our conversations. Thanos will be arriving in three days, which means she has to be ready for him or else I can't save my daughter. He promised to provide us with machinery that can help her heal. "That's enough, someone bring me the test results."

The machine gets shut off and twists around into its resting position. My head tilts to the side to take a better look at her, the way her face looks ready to fight even when she is unconscious or the way her eyebrows flick up every time she spoke a certain syllable just like A2 and A3. It is strange how creation still reflects mannerisms similar to those of which they came from.

"Sir?" My body twists around to look at A3 and I release a breath. "What are we doing to her?" My breath catches in my throat from the question, he has never asked this many questions in this span of time.

"We are..." my heart thumps in my chest, I've never felt this nervous while talking to him, "making her better."

"By doing what?" All these questions demanding answers too complicated to answer without taking a moment to think about. A3 never was this curious before meeting Agerathea, he never really wanted to know much about his subjects or his missions.

"Zaydon?" Pulling me out of my trance, I turn around to see one of the scientists holding a clipboard out to me. I take it and flip through the pages before looking up at him. "This is the data we received from the tests for the past two days."

"They're blank?" I say flipping through the sheets, fanning through every single one of them before I reach the end. A note, in a dialect that has not been used in over sixteen years, scribbled on this sheet from the printer.

"What dialect is that sir?" The creature asks, a chill runs up and down my back from the realization of how much she has learned in the past eight years.

"It's Attolian," it barely escapes as a whisper, the word I haven't said in sixteen years echoes into my mind and I look over at A3.

"What does this mean?" He asks me, chills travel up my spine.

"It means she has more control over her powers than we predicted," my eyes glaze over at her before staring at the symbols and at the intricate design below it. My eyes glaze over the note one last time.

Did you really think it would be that easy?

I look down at the copy of the designs that are on her arm. Each of them having a color of an Infinity Stone while four other motifs lay in the center of the circle the six designs of the Infinity Stones create. My hand travels over it, as whispers escape my lips. I can't make out what I'm exactly saying and out of the corner of my eye A3 and the creature stared at me with wide eyes. I try to pull my hand away but it won't move away from the symbols. The ground begins to shake and I try to bring my gaze up but a force refuses to allow it, my mouth continues to move and say this gibberish that won't stop. The hair on the back of my neck stands up as a chill sweeps over the room before the lights go out. 

Thanos is here.


Heat travels throughout my body, replacing the coolness of the room, I feel myself slowly lift in the air and energy course its way through me. A voice, barely a whisper, echoes into my mind, saying something too familiar. But it's not something I have ever heard before, or at least I have never heard in this life nor the next. 

"There will come an Attolian, who protects the universe against the largest threat to ever bestow itself against the cosmos. The last of the Attolians will be the protector of the universe for years to come, along with another. They will be the most powerful together, but in order for them to be together, it will come down to an ultimate price. Each will have to lose one of which they love, but love will ultimately win the fight and find its light in the darkness." 

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