Chapter 94

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The Benator lowers the pod to the ground since we will be taking it to Vormir. Nat kicks one of the Orloni and in response, it hisses at her before running away.

"Hey, can we hurry it up?" Clint questions.

"Guys, chop-chop. Come on," Nat jokingly says. "We're on a clock."

I allow the flames to surround my arms and a chuckle escapes my lips from the familiarity of it.  Red sparks flake my body, making the new suit lose enough so I could actually breathe. I clench and unclench my fists and allow all six colors to roll around my palm, my shoulders relax when no fatigue greeted me. I shake the pebbles of flames away and smile at the approaching figure.

"It's good to see you back, Grace," Rhodey says, embracing me into a hug. "Take that stone and come back. No messing around. And keep an eye on the two of them." He gestures to Nat and Clint, "But watch out for yourself too." I nod my head, agreeing with him: I have to take care of them.

"Hey, you got this," Clint says to Rhodey and they share a handshake before we go up on the ship.

"Let's get it done."

"See you back," Nat calls out from over her shoulder as we walk up to the ship. I send the two of them a look and send prayers up to my brothers and sisters to help them to succeed in getting the Power Stone.

"You guys watch each other's six!" He calls up before the ramp closes. We get situated and the ship shakes to life before taking off. The stars soon surround us and the vessel shifts as the thrusters gain more power and we blast through the galaxy.

"We're a long way from Budapest," Clint says to Natasha and I lean forward in my seat as she laughs at him.

"What even happened in Budapest?" I ask remembering all the times they would bring it up but never really go into detail with what happened there.

"When this is all over, we'll tell you," Clint says smiling at her, the two of them smile like a couple of goofs before putting their attention back on the view.

Soon we were looking upon Vormir. We all unbuckle and stand looking at the deserted planet once the ship began to slow down.

"Wow." Clint gasps at the sight, "Under different circumstances, this would be totally awesome."

I nod in agreement and cross my arms over my chest, so this was my home. Water and sand-like substance cover the ground where we land and we find ourselves making our way to the mountain. I think back to my ancestors walking on these lands and the life I could have had if Thanos hadn't attacked it all those years ago. Or even the thought of the Harolese never capturing my mom in the first place; granted I may not be alive right now, but I can't help think about that.

Snowflakes drift their way down onto us, sticking in our hair and creating slippery slopes as we climb the mountain. The way up was mostly quiet. We were more focused on not slipping and I was thinking the mission through a million times in my head because I don't want anything to go wrong.

"I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain," Nat says and I scoff at the thought as I stare out into the field. Purple light creates an eery glow throughout the horizon.

"Technically, he's not a raccoon, you know," I sarcastically say stepping up to the two of them.

"Whatever. He eats garbage," Nat bumps her shoulder into mine with a smile coursing on her lips.

"Welcome," a voice echoes around us and we all turn, drawing our weapons. Nat pulls her guns out, Clint prises his sword, and flames burst alive at my sides. "Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Clint, son of Edith, Algorathea daughter of Flory."

We all step closer to the cloaked figure, not letting our guard down.

"Who are you?" Nat tentatively questions. She keeps her gun steady on her target.

"Consider me a guide." It responds, "To you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone." Chills create an earthquake throughout my body, there's just something about this.

"Oh good." I take a step forward to keep Clint and Nat behind me, "You tell us where it is then we'll be on our way." I need this to be easy, I need to make sure that we all return and be there when we get everyone back.

"Ah, liebchen." The creature steps up and reveals himself as Red Skull. "If only it were that easy." His gaze refuses to leave mine. He turns around and leads us up to a cliff. Two large pillars stand tall at our sides, symbols I have never seen but somehow understand are carved into the walls and my fingers trace over them.

"What is it?" Clint questions coming up next to me. I pull my hand away and fear trickles its way into me.

"It's Attolian," I keep my eyes on the wall and swallow. "It says... it says that this place is the Dominion of Death."

"What you seek lies in front of you." Red Skull explains and I make my way to the cliff to look down. " does what you fear."

"The stone is down there," Nat realizes.

"For two of you, and for the other," he pauses, considering his words before continuing. "In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul, for a soul."

I crouch down and rest my elbows on my knees. One of us will not make it, one of us will not return to see how everything plays out, one of us will remain in the Soul World forever. I stare down at my hands, what if this was what Loki meant when he said, "This isn't how it's meant to go."  What if this was the time my destiny ends, what if this was what I was meant to do?

Nat sits down beside me, her eyes stay forward but different thoughts are flowing through her mind. She just learned something she never knew before.

"How's it going?" Clint chuckles and waves at Red Skull before walking over to us, "Jesus...Maybe he's making this shit up."

I shake my head, all this is true. My eyes flow up to Clint's before making their way back onto the pillars. I scan over the words once more and freeze when I see something I heard all those years ago.


This was it, this was the prophecy of my life. I restart from the beginning and quickly read down. Everything it says has happened. From the planet being destroyed to me joining the Avengers. It all is true, but at the bottom, multiple words are inscribed unto each other making it impossible to know what it is saying. It's as if whoever wrote it had many outcomes at the end.

"Natasha, you know what I've done," Clint whispers. "You know what I've become."

"I don't judge people on their worst mistakes."

"Maybe you should."

"You didn't."

"You're a pain in my ass you know that right?" Clint asks and leans his head against hers. He pulls away, but there's something there behind his eyes. "Okay, you win." He smirks at her before pulling her down. I can't let them die, I can't let them do this. I sprint towards the cliff ready to jump but rope wraps itself around my ankles causing me to tumble and stop before the edge.

I turn back around to find Clint tossing his sword to the side and bolting towards the cliff only for Natasha to leap onto him. She launches a grappling hook to the side and I quickly allow flames to surround my arms to get rid of the rope around my ankles. I'm on my feet in an instant and leap over the cliff.

"Noooo!" Nat screams as I make my way down.

"Grace!" Clint's voice echoes behind me as I reach closer and closer to the ground.

"Whatever it takes," I whisper, only halfway down. My stomach flips as my mind races, my life flashing before my eyes. I can't give up now despite every instinct telling me to. I pray that this works but if it doesn't... "I'm sorry Loki."

I smile moments before my body hits the ground and red flames appear at my sides.

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