Chapter 39

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It felt nice to be heading home after three long days at the hospital. The nurses wanted to keep me there, but I kept on pushing to leave. Tony is driving me home in silence, Peter sits next to me and can't stop fidgeting. Whatever Tony talked to him about must have really scared him. My gaze can't help but return to his arms, they're still wrapped in a cast, along with his nose, but Tony turns in the opposite direction of New York and starts to head towards Queens. 

"Oh, are we dropping Peter off first?" I ask.

"Nope," Tony replies. I just slump back into my seat and turn my head towards Peter, but he just swivels the other way. I turn my gaze back towards the buildings as they slowly pass by.


"I thought you said we're not dropping Peter off at his house?" I say as we get out of the car in front of his apartment.

"Well, that's not the only thing we're doing," Tony says smiling at me. I look at Peter since he hasn't talked to me at all.

"What are we doing then?" No one responds as we are buzzed into the apartment complex. Steve and Tony follow us cause they've never been here before.

"Why haven't you talked to me?" I whisper to Peter and he just looks ahead before turning towards me.

"I don't know, to be honest, there's just a lot of things that I need to process." We turn the corner to his apartment but he doesn't knock his door, I turn around to look at Tony and Steve but they're gone. They must've gone back down to the car. "It's just, I wasn't expecting that but now that you told me it all makes sense. Sometimes when you weren't at school or you got it injured somehow lined up with the Avengers going on missions. I don't understand how no one guessed it."

"I guess I got lucky with that part then." He smiles at that and nods his head.

"Can I ask a couple questions?" I nod my head at him as I stare awkwardly at the door. "Why didn't you tell us? Are you planning on telling Ned and Michelle?" I sigh, I should've known these questions were coming.

"Well, I didn't tell you guys 'cause it would put all three of you guys in danger. If people found out who I truly am then they would be able to do so many things to put others in danger, and specifically you guys. I can't let that happen, you guys are like my family." I lean against the wall and look up at the ceiling.

"What are you going to do?" Peter asks and I roll my head to look at him.

"To be honest, I don't really know. I think I'm going to tell them, so they are aware but I don't know." My gaze travels back to him and he smiles. "Should I tell them?"

"It's not my secret to tell," he says and I feel my heart about to burst. Just how he talks to me and how he makes me feel is the reason I fight to come home, the reason I need to survive all those missions so I can finish my discussion with him, so I can see his face again, so I can hear his voice. He has been the reason I wouldn't give up on a mission when things went low. 

"I think I should, they do have a right to know," I look down at my necklace and begin to fidget with it. "I don't know, I want to tell them but..." 

"Tell us what?" The door has been open and I look over to see Ned and Michelle standing there looking at us.  

"Michelle? Ned?" I say and immediately run to them and wrap my arms around them. Peter joins us and we all stand there for a good minute. "It's so good to see you guys again." I wipe the tears from my face, I wasn't expecting myself to be this emotional. 

"It's so good to see you too!" Michelle says before breaking the hug, "Now what was it you wanted to tell us? Is everything OK?"

"Yeah, yeah everything's fine," I say before continuing. "Can we maybe take this inside?" They nod and lead me to the kitchen table, we all sit down and I sigh. "Ok, so there's a lot to explain." 

"Grace, it's ok you can trust us," Ned says. I look over at Peter and his face is expressionless, he just stares at me, waiting for me to continue. 

"It's not you I don't trust," I say and Michelle tilts her head at me. "So, since this is like peeling a band-aid off I'm just going to say it." I take a shaky breath, Peter grabs my hand and squeezes it three times before I say the four words I never thought I would say to any of them. "I am The Valiant." 

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