Chapter 55

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My clothes fly through the air and land in the bag as I quickly run around the room picking up the clothes I've gotten in the past two weeks. They are, for the most part, merchandise for the cities we've been to or for the sports teams. I grab a soccer shirt from Spain and throw it into the bag before crawling my way around the bed to look for any objects I may have left under there. My hand wraps itself around something and I look down at it.

Fake brown eyes stare up at me and engraved hair in the clay rub my fingertips. I observe the replica of a collie I found at a store in Spain. I miss her more and more every day, I wish I could just go home... back to the compound and be with her. I can't wait to see her when this is all over.

"Grace, what are you doing on the floor?" I quickly get up and see Wanda standing in the doorway. It takes me a moment to remember how long it's been since she's been with us. Almost three weeks. I run up to her and embrace her, we tumble to the floor and go into a giggling fit. We pull each other up and walk into the room.

"How was your time with Vision?" I ask her, picking up the collie sculpture I so carelessly dropped to the floor. Wanda chuckles while she cleans under her nails.

"It was fun and we talked everything out so we're on good terms now," she says without looking up, a smirk forms on her lips and red travels up her neck and onto her cheeks.

"And?" I ask and she turns redder and becomes even more fascinated with her nails. A chuckle escapes my throat and I go back to packing my things. A burner phone sits on the desk and Wanda makes her way over to it and begins to fumble with it.

"And we plan on seeing each other soon." She squeals and I can't help jumping up and down for her. I'm happy that she's getting the best out of the worst situation. If only everyone could do that.

"That's good for you guys," I smile over at her and toss the collie into my bag and then the burner phone.

"I'm sorry, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want." She walks over to me and assures me.

"Why are you sorry?" I ask and she just gives me a look. "You don't need to apologize for having a love life nor do you need to feel like you can't talk to me. Just because mine didn't work out doesn't mean you can't talk to me about it."

"Well, I just thought you wouldn't want to hear that-"

"Wanda, you're basically my sister, I want you to talk to me about these things," She nods at me and brings her bags into the room. I zip my bag up and sit down while rubbing my temples.

"What's wrong?" She asks sitting down next to me and begins to rub my back. I chuckle before placing the bag on my back and getting up.

"Nothing is wrong, it's just been a long few weeks," I lie.

"Grace, whatever is happening in that head of yours I hope it all gets fixed." I smile over at her and pick up her bag.

"Thanks. We should probably get going though, Steve and Nat said we're leaving at 8:00 and it's 7:50." I say and Wanda nods at me before taking her bag and walking out the door with me.

"So, how has it been here while I was gone?" She asks and I just roll my eyes since she can't see me. It has been living hell without you.

"It was good, been going on some runs," Been yelled at for going on those, "but it has been lonely without you here."

"Well it's good to know you like me," Wanda chuckles and I can't help but laugh with her. "Do you know why we're going to Germany of all places?"

"We found out about a Hydra base there," Steve says and I drop my eyes to the floor. I have refused to make eye contact with him since he yelled at me. "We will take it out before we leave again."

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