Chapter 54

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I run down the streets and weave through the streetlights, chasing the motorcyclist. I've been running for the past eight miles trying to catch up to him, he's two blocks ahead of me and my legs burn from each step but I need to keep going. My footsteps and breaths echo throughout the alleyways. I leap into the air and land on top of a building, leaping from roof to roof advancing my target.

The last building is coming up and I push myself to the limit, forcing my screaming legs to give all of their energy for this final moment. I push my body off the edge and fly past the target. Waves of energy escape my fingers, breaking my fall. I raise myself back up and stand in the middle of the street, preparing myself for the impact with my palms risen and energy making its way to my fingertips. The motorcyclist tries to slow down but loses control of his vehicle and flips over multiple times before the man rolls under a streetlamp.

My arm automatically goes back and grabs a sword. Flames escape my fingers and erupt on the sword. I playfully twist and flip it as I advance my target. I stop a few feet away from him and continue to twirl the sword. I let it droop and hear the satisfying clink before I do what I've come here to do. The target looks over at me with wide eyes, I drag the sword as I walk over to him, a trail of sparks tailing their way behind it.

"Where is she?" I say through gritted teeth. The boy just looks up at me with fear in his eyes.

"Who-who?" He continuously asks, putting his hand up before trying to scoot away from me. I step towards him and swing the sword near his head, sending sparks from the impact in the ground. He freezes, more fear filling his eyes.

"You know exactly who," I say kneeling down to his level. "Now tell me where she is."

"I can't I'm still looking for her!" He pleads, "She's been moving around since she was captured, he needs to understand!"

"He doesn't need to understand anything, you've pushed his patience and now it's time for you to pay the fine." My sword swings above my head, flames shadowing his face but the fear can still be seen in his eyes. I stay silent as the blade flies through his chest. The flames immediately engulf his clothes and I pull the sword out before putting it back in the hold. The comforting hiss of the blade getting cooled can be heard as a ball of flames appears in the palm of my hand. I throw it at the bike before walking away, the communication device beeps in my pocket and I pull it out.

Subject terminated?

My fingers quickly type the message.

Yes, send in the next volunteer

I watch as the flames engulf the motorcycle and the smell of burning rubber fills the air.

It is your turn, catch the girl, we will be in touch

I pull the hood back on my head and take off towards the ship I had taken here. I need to find her before she finds out how close we are to finding her.


My body flies up from the hard bed, cold sweat flowing down my face. Natasha mumbles something before rolling onto her side in the other bed. I slowly get up, not making a noise, and change into workout clothes. Every night has been like this since we've gotten out. I wake up from a nightmare, get dressed and go for a ten mile run before going to my favorite coffee shop.

I grab my gym shoes and make my way out the door whilst putting my hair up in a ponytail and straightening my bangs. I close the door and hold the handle down so it wouldn't make a noise and wake everyone up. I pull my shoes on my feet before taking a dollar out of my jacket pocket and making my way downstairs. I get the usual water from the vending machine before taking off down the street with it.

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