Chapter 31

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"If this is how you are going to get Avengers' secrets out of me, let me tell you it's not going to work," I say after they placed me in a chair that is surrounded by machinery I can't recognize. They point a gun at my head and I raise my eyebrows. I am afraid despite me acting like I'm not. I'm afraid of what they know about me. I'm afraid of what they will do with this information. I'm afraid of what fate has planned out for me. But above all, I'm afraid of what they will do to Peter. 

"Oh, believe me, that is the last thing on our minds," Draven walks in still wearing his suit. The sound of a machine starting up begins behind me as a man in a doctor's coat frantically types at the computer in front of me. Metal restraints pop out of the chair and clamp my hands to the rests along with my legs to the chair. The two men who brought me into the room pull restraints around my stomach and chest. 

"Congratulations, I'm stuck to a chair," I say as I look at the four men in the room, which has only cement walls and cable wires attached to the computer and machine behind me. In response to my comment, the two men return, one carrying a piece of plastic in his hand as the other walks next to me and grabs my hair and pulls my head back causing my mouth to open. The other man took the opportunity to place the plastic into my mouth. The men walk back to where Draven is standing. I try to push the plastic out of my mouth but my teeth remain clamped shut. I try to move my arms, to break free from the type of restraints that used to break easily, but I still remain trapped in the chair. I stop when I see the smirk on Draven's face and I lift my chin to pretend I'm not afraid but the flickering of the lights causes my boiling blood to drop. 

"What the hell are you doing to me?" I try to say but only hums escape my lips which causes him to widen his smirk. The man returns and pushes my head back, but before I can lift it back up, pieces of the machine secure into positions around my head. The buzz of the machine sounds all around before white, searing pain fills my head. I scream against the muzzle in my mouth as electricity sparks into my brain, my vision. My vision begins to blur as I stare at the light fixture on the ceiling, causing me to slip, tumble, crash into unconsciousness. 

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