Chapter 5

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My footsteps echoed down the hallway as I follow the signs leading me to the storage room. I've never really done anything like this before, sneaking around the base was never really my style. I was more of one to sneak out of the base but of course, I did get caught or followed ninety percent of the time. There weren't many people in this area of the craft.

The door with the label 'storage' sits at the end of the hallway. I run up to it, waiting for it to open after I swiped my card but it never does. It must have something to do with my level one clearance. My gaze travels around the door and there it is, the sign that reads 'level 7' stares right back at me, mocking me that I'm not enough. But that is not going to stop the little mission I brought onto myself.

Flames twirl around my fingers, giving me extra strength as I pull the door open. I squeeze my way through the gap and find myself in a large room with rows and rows of boxes on rows and rows of shelves. My shoulders slouch at the thought of having to search through all of these, just the thought of it makes me tired.

My eyes flicker between the shelves and a spark of happiness ignites inside me when I notice that there are letters where the boxes are. I jog my way between the aisles until I find the letter T and run down that corridor until I find a large case, burn marks sprawled across it saying things like "level 8" and "caution!" but what are the points of having the labels if they're only going to provoke me even more?

The lid slides over the edge with a loud bang that echoed throughout the room. Footsteps sound in response to the bang and begin to make their way over to me. I quickly reach out to their mind and imagine this corridor being empty with the lid back on the box and with me gone. The silhouette of a man makes his way towards me and he walks under a light hanging from the ceiling. It was Steve, a sigh escapes my lips but I don't let my guard down. No one could know I was here. He stops in front of the crate and shifts the top over so he could see into it, despite the fact the top was on the floor.

I take a few steps forward, noticing that I had never taken a look inside, but what was in there shocked me. Stark and Banner were right all along, S.H.I.E.L.D. really was creating weapons of mass destruction with the Tesseract. Guns, not of this world, were laid in the hay. I knew they were meant for extraterrestrials and creatures not of this world. Monsters like me.

Tears stream down my face, I knew this was because of me. What S.H.I.E.L.D. was doing was my fault. There is not really any other explanation to that, Thor is the best superhero there could be. He's strong and has redeemed himself to have S.H.I.E.L.D.'s trust based on his file. A screech sounds and I look up at Steve who only stares at me with fear filled eyes.

"What?" I ask, but then I realize: I lost connection with his mind when my thoughts began to wander around and I lost the image in my head. The top was flat on the ground, and I, a complete idiot, was now standing at a Steve who was trying to catch his breath at the appearance of me. "Oh, yeah, haha, sorry."

Steve only gives me a look of pure frustration and awe. I can hear his heartbeat from here, which almost brings me to chuckle. The supersoldier, 'the man out of time' got scared by an eleven-year-old, I can't help but smile at the thought of that.

I peek over the edge once more but the box never changed. I wasn't really sure what I was expecting, but I was just hoping. S.H.I.E.L.D. is no different than the Harolese, they take all the power they can get and use it for their own greater good.

"I've had enough with this bullshit," I grab one of the guns and storm out of the room. Making my way back to the lab to create a plan with Stark and Banner on how to stop this. Steve follows not too far on my tail with another gun in his arms.

Once I enter the room, I flip the gun and slam it on the table catching the attention of everyone in the room. Steve places his behind mine and I cross my arms over my chest before directing everyone in the room with my eyes, landing on Fury.

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