Chapter 20

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"Grace!" I jolt awake, shaking. A cold sweat covers my skin and I jump up looking around. No one is seen. "Grace!" 

I press my finger to the comm. "Yes."

"Stark needs help, Hulk is in the city," Clint shouts. "The rest of the team is down. You and Stark are on your own."

"Copy that," I don't have time to worry about the vision, I need to help Tony. Those words echo in my mind as I take off towards the city. I jump and land on top of a building. A flying craft floats in the sky, Veronica. I run and leap off the building towards it, I make it to a building above it and see Hulk and the Hulkbuster face each other. Tony's arm breaks off and his palm faces toward the Hulk. I look down and see citizens running away, the beam could kill them. I quickly leap down and form a shield with the purple flames which sends the beam into the sky. Hulk goes after Tony and causes him to fly in another direction. I take off following them to an office building where Tony is slammed into. Hulk pushes him out causing an elevator to fly out, people are still standing in it and to give Tony more time I leap onto the floor Hulk is on. He twists around confusingly, looking for Tony. 

"Hulk!" I shout and he turns and faces me. "That girl is messing with your head. You gotta fight it."

A flash of red crosses his eyes and he growls before advancing towards me. He grabs me and throws me into a beam. I look over at him and watch as he leaps down. I get up but people surround me and usher me back down. I try to get up but a pain causes me to collapse back down. I take deep breaths and a pain shoots through me. People begin to move my limbs and my neck. Nothing is broken, which I am thankful for, I get up and groan from the throbbing in my chest. I run out of the hole in the building before anyone could stop me and leap to the ground. A wave of dust greets me as I land and I run towards the crash. A building lays in ruins, officers point their guns at Hulk who lays in the rubble. A gun clicks and Hulk freaks out but before he could do anything Tony punches him out cold. 

I run over to him and he's assessing the damage. 

"Maria, send in the Stark Relief Foundation." He says and looks down at me. "Thanks for stalling Bruce for me." 

"No problem." I look down at him and watch as Hulk shrinks down back to Bruce. 

"Clint, bring in the quinjet to the city," Stark says. 

"What? Are we just gonna leave the city like this?" I say. 

"No, the Stark Relief Foundation is on their way already, but we need to get Banner on the ship before people start to take their rage out on him," Tony says and the Hulkbuster begins to come off of his suit. It falls off by pieces and ends with his legs falling apart. The quinjet lands in the intersection and we quickly carry Bruce into it. I walk in and everyone is a complete mess. Thor stands fidgeting with his hands, Steve looks down with his arms crossed and Bruce lays on a cot sweating and looks to be having a bad dream. Natasha looks the worst of them all. I've never seen her so broken before. She sits in a corner and stares down at the ground, shaking. Flashes of my vision come into my mind and I feel myself begin to tremble. 

I lay down on the seats and grab my headphones. I press a random playlist on my phone and turn the volume up. Flashes of the vision fill my mind and tears fill my eyes. I don't deserve to be alive, my sister should have survived not me. I don't deserve to be alive, I don't deserve any of this.

Someone shakes me awake. I look up and see Tony looking down at me. He looks worried and I wipe the tears from my eyes. I slowly get up because my body still aches and place my headphones around my neck and get ready to go into the tower. Confusion must have crossed my face when I looked outside and say grass because Clint comes up next to me. "Safehouse." He simply says as he guides Natasha out of the quinjet. I grab my backpack of clothes and follow the rest of the team up to a two-story house. A barn sits not too far from it. Clint opens the door and we all slowly enter. 

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