Chapter 45

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~The Next Day~

"Smile!" Happy says behind the camera. I stand with my fellow Avengers in front of the compound. The dance is in three hours and I feel the bees buzz in my stomach from both excitement and the shwarma from last night. Nat and Wanda did my makeup and hair again for tonight, and let me just say, they did not let me down. Not that they ever have, but somehow they always do my hair better than the last time. They straightened my hair at the top and allowed my curls to take over at the bottom and they made me have more of a natural look with the makeup which makes my natural features pop and my eyes stand out.

My V pendant rests on top of my chest, the silver matches perfectly with my purple dress. Beads create flowery designs at the top and layers of fabric travel at the bottom allowing it to be poofier. Silver heels top the whole dress off, making it all come together. The bracelet that Tony made me is wrapped around my wrist, the team always reminds me to grab it before I leave for anything.

I smile next to my collie Bella. She was the last one I had to take a picture with and the teammates gave me weird looks when I wanted to take a picture with her but I don't care. She looks at me before the camera flashes, her tongue licks the tip of my nose and I can't believe I've already had her for five months. Tony comes up to me and offers me a hand and I take it. I scratch at Bella's belly before he begins to speak.

"You ready to go?" I nod at him and sigh when I sit down in the car. My hand automatically travels up to my necklace and fumble with it between my fingers. I calm my heart rate down after feeling it spike, I'm nervous and anxious about tonight. I just hope that time will slow down enough for this to last forever, but I know that it will eventually end, as all things do for me.


"Oh wow!" Peter says and I can't help but blush and look down at my shoes. "I mean... Wow!"

"I know, it's all too much," I mumble and a hand lifts my chin.

"It's not, it's perfect," and with that, his lips connect with mine. My body electrifies with power when I close my eyes. I can't believe this may be...


We separate a good five feet from each other when we look up to see May staring at us. I look over at Peter and realize by the look on his face, he hadn't told May we were dating. I facepalm myself and I hear May begin to chuckle.

"Peter didn't tell me about this, but," my gaze travels up to her and I see her smiling, "I do approve." Peter sighs beside me and I look at him as I take his hand, squeezing it in our classic three-way and him responding the same way. We smile at each other and get rid of the space between us. He grabs my hand and takes out the corsage; he slides it onto my wrist before whispering into my ear.

"You look beautiful," those three words awake the butterflies in my stomach, heat travels up my neck as my gaze travels up to him. He pecks me on the lips before I take the boutonnière out of the box and begin to fumble with the needle. "Ow!"

"Sorry!" I say and Peter laughs which makes me laugh even more. The sound of a camera taking a picture is heard multiple times as Peter and I look into each other's eyes before bursting into another fit of laughter. We both calm down but can't stop grinning like a couple of fools as I pin the boutonnière onto his coat.

"Alright, let's get you kids downstairs so Mr. Stark isn't waiting too long," May says and opens the door for us. We each give her a hug before walking down the stairs and out the door. I can feel Tony's death stare the moment we come out of the building, Peter's hands suddenly become clammy and I can't help but laugh at this. Peter's pace slows down as we walk down the stairs, he squeezes my hand as we come closer to the car and opens the door for me. I slide in and Tony's eyes greet me from the reflection of the rearview mirror.

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