Chapter 59

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My arms and legs won't move. I've been slowly waking up, my eyes refuse to open but I can tell that I'm in a room. Voices and noises can, of course, be heard in a distance but I can't process it, which means they must have taken my hearing aid out. Wind gently caresses my eyelids and they flutter, giving them the awareness that I'm awake. Louder voices erupt around me but they sound like we're underwater, I can't make out any of what they're saying.

Slowly my eyelids are pried open and I look around to see masked creatures staring down at me. Fear creeps up my back and I try to move but my body is numb. A large needle appears and they move down towards my arm. My breaths become labored, I don't know what they're going to do to me but I need to remember that I'm here for my brother. The creature releases my eyelid and they close, engulfing me into an endless amount of black.


Agerathea lays on the floor in the room across from this glass. She's grown in the past eight years and seems to have had practice with her powers according to A3. We found recordings of her fighting and training on Haroly and we were able to save it, the drive containing it twists around in my fingers as I watch her. She looks confused but her mind is shifting gears as she studies the room, her eyes focusing on the different squares as if looking for a weakness.

Her green eyes flick up to me and she slowly gets up, not taking her eyes off me, she silently takes a few steps towards me. The white clothes we provided her hanging on her body, barely clinging to it. She looks happily at her now short hair. Her hand moves up and flows through it, changing the partition on her scalp so more of it is hanging on the side. Few strands just reach her neck and she tucks some of it behind her ears, but this is when her eyes fill with fear. She touches her ear again and jumps back, tears welling her eyes and she falls to the floor.

A3 walks up next to me, his uniform gone and replacing it is his training clothes. His gaze not leaving her, his head turned to the side as he studies her.

"Why is she on the floor like that?" He asks in Harolic tongue, his accent from Earth peeking out a little but he always comes back like that. I look back at her and smile.

"We fixed her hearing," I simply say, she screams and her face turns red as tears continue to fall. A3 turns and looks at me with a shocked expression on his face, I shake my head showing I don't know why she's acting like this either. I thought she would be grateful for something like this, for her to be back to her full potential.

"Did you do anything else?" He asks me, I shake my head. We watch her for a few more moments. "I want you to talk to her."


"I want you to talk to her," I repeat. "She seems to have... grown curious about you." He nods his head before shifting back to face forward, his eyes continuing to study her. I wonder what's going through his head with the gears shifting behind his eyes.

"Sir?" I nod my head waiting for his question, "Who is she?"

"We've been over this, she's the lost subject. Her sister died from the hands of humanity and we lost her. That's why we've been sending in our prisoners to find her. I realize it was easier for you to find her since a picture of her was released."

"There was a picture released?" I smile, we were lucky to create him all those years ago. The fact that he was naive and still found her using wit and powers shows how valuable he is. Too bad he's leaving soon.

"Yes, but that discussion is for another time," he nods at my response, looking slightly disappointed. "Let's go talk to her."


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