Chapter 16

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As seen in the photograph, the Valiant gazes over at the officers who had just shot her sister, Margeratha, who has been confirmed dead through the S.H.I.E.L.D. documents. Margeratha now lays in a designated heroes cemetery outside of Chicago. Taken by: Unknown.

Since S.H.I.E.L.D. had fallen, millions of encrypted secrets were released to the public from the Black Widow, also known as Natasha Romanoff. Thousands of files that have reached the light to prove that S.H.I.E.L.D. had a secret growing in its crevices- Hydra, the infiltrating enemy during the 1940s, hiding in plain sight. This provides the evidence that S.H.I.E.L.D. was always a wicked corporation, but as many have forgotten, The Avengers Initiative was started by S.H.I.E.L.D. so would that make the Avengers a depraved operation, too? Based on the evidence of the documents and the photo above, it can be determined that it is.

The image above shows the Valiant, or also known as Agerathea Almoradia, being hostile towards the police officers that are not seen on camera. Her arms are covered in scars and burns, perhaps each marked to count the lives she has taken, and are surrounded by flames, her capabilities. What isn't seen in this photo, is a large extraterrestrial spacecraft along with a vortex allowing more of these ships to enter our atmosphere. Also confirmed in the released documents, the Valiant is an extraterrestrial as well along with her fellow Avenger, Thor (Uncovered Secrets of the Avengers continues onto page 23)

Making our way back to the Valiant, she may have redeemed herself in the Battle of New York against Thor's brother Loki, but is it still enough to truly trust this child? Based on the documents, she is at the age of thirteen. How could a creature as young as this be trusted with such responsibility? How could a girl, who has done so much evil in this world, have the compatibility to go on with her life? What other types of wickedness could this girl behold onto the world? (Continues on page 20)

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