Chapter 36

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Darkness. Darkness is all I know at the moment. No pain, no dizziness no need to throw up. Nothing. Just the emptiness of everything. I can't use any of my senses, nor can I use my abilities to talk to others. If this is death then I don't believe I want this type of thing. Bright light begins to fill the darkness at the end of the tunnel and I feel myself walking towards it.

The light is escaping through a door, each step drawing me closer until I see what is inside of it. Five kids looking about my age sit at a table with one facing away from me. Each of them speaking in tongues that I can't understand. One of them looks up and I almost gasp. She has striking similarities in her face like my sister Margeratha. All of a sudden five pairs of eyes are looking at me and ones I haven't seen in almost four years, Margeratha. She smiles back at me and quickly gets up to hug me. We wrap our arms around each other and I hear her sob into my shoulder.

"Agerathea," she says between her sobs, "it's been so long."

"Yes, yes it has." My eyes flick down to her wrist where something strange sits. A marking, similar to a tattoo, inked in the middle of her forearm. We pull apart and I grab onto her wrist and point at the blue marking.

"It is a representation of our abilities," she simply shrugs, "or those of which we would have had if our other siblings had survived." My eyes flick down to my own wrist and I see the same shaped marking but instead of blue mine is purple.

"Our other siblings?" I ask. She turns and gestures to the other four kids sitting at the table.

"This is Flory, Darea, Falmatea, and Namodea." They all hold up their wrists showing me what abilities they would have had. Flory has green, Darea has red, Falmatea has orange and Nannodea has yellow.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did..."

"we all die?" Flory answers. "It's not quite as noble as you may believe, but we had died from a miscarriage."

"What about our mother? What happened to her?" I ask and look around at my siblings but they all just look down or at the wall.

"While giving birth to you," I twist around to see a woman smiling at all of us, "the Harolese began to grow impatient with me since it was taking a while for me to have the rest of the kids. Only you and Margeratha had been born before they tried to quicken the pace of me giving birth which only led to me and the rest of the kids..." I nod to tell her she doesn't have to say it. She takes a deep breath before smiling at me with tear filled eyes. "Look down at your other wrist sweetheart."

I look down at my right wrist to see the same symbol but a mixture of the six colors of the Infinity Stones. "But-but I don't have these abilities," I gasp as I rub my hand over it.

"You will, it has always been your legacy Agerathea. To survive the Harolese, to go to Earth, to become an Avenger, this has been written for thousands of years in our home planet. Agerathea, you were made to be one of the strongest beings of this universe, since the day the great boom created it, since the boom had created the Infinity Stones. You were made to be the protector of the Universe since you are the last descent of the creatures who had lived at the center of it."

"You're saying that I was always meant to survive, that you were all meant to die?" I was the last person who deserved to live out of all them. "Why me?"

"You are the one who has the most control over your abilities. Why do you think Zaydon had such great difficulty making you become something that you're not, why do you think Hydra had such difficulty taking control of you and erasing your memories?" Margeratha says. "It's because you are stronger than all of us, you have better morals than all of us, you always wanted to learn new things and you never let your power get into your head. Heck! You refuse to even call your powers 'powers' because you believe it's too harsh. You believe that it wasn't the proper way to explain what you have. Grace, I can go on and on over why you are the one the legacy was talking about."

"Margeratha is right, you are the strongest of all of us," Flory says.

"And the brightest," Darea continues.

"And the bravest," Falmatea shrugs.

"As well as the fairest," Namodea says. Tears come into my vision and I quickly wipe them away.

"Which is why you will eventually take the power of all the Infinity Stones." My mother finishes. She walks over to me and hugs me. "We can't tell you when or how but you will." It feels nice, having a mother figure, or at least one looking over me. She kisses the top of my head. "I'm so proud of you." She gives me one more tight squeeze before breaking our embrace.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Our time is up." Margeratha simply says and I feel myself nod at this. "This will be the last time we will see you for a long time." A smirk creeps onto my lips as I hug my sister. "I'll see you at the end of the tunnel." She says before I feel myself being sucked out of the room and back into darkness.

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