Chapter 4

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A stack of files was brought to me by one of the agents. I grab one and hear Stark scoff from his computer by Banner. The two of them adjust and study the graphs and data coming from the scanner for the scepter. While they do their science things, I am going to study the history of it. Where it has been and where it has gone. Who had it, who lost it and what other discoveries they had made back in the forties?

"Why don't you just use the computer?" Starks asks approaching me. My hand brushes over the scars that weave their way up my arm. A gift from the Harolics' technology and their tests. Stark's eyes flick down to my arms and I cover them with the file before he could get a good look at them.

"Let's just say I haven't had the best experience with technology," I mumble and flip open the first file, careful not to show my arms. I was never insecure about them until now and I'm not really sure why. I guess it has to do with the fact that this was the first time anyone had really tried to get a good look at them. The file is dated somewhere in the forties and a man with the same last name as Stark signed the bottom. It must be his father.

"Well, I haven't had good experiences with S.H.I.E.L.D. either, yet here I am," Stark remarks and I nod my head.

"Yeah, I know," I say and Stark sends me a look which only brings me to roll my eyes. "After you saved me, I looked for you. I found you in some files that Ms. Romanoff and Fury wrote about a year ago? I can't remember the exact date, sorry."

"Did you have that much free time," he says waving my apology off. He takes a file off the stack and fans through it before getting bored and placing it back. His attention goes back to me as he waits for my response.

"Yes," I simply say remembering the days I would spend in the dorm in Germany, alone. There weren't many children my age there which made me miss Ava Starr more and more each day. The truth is the only reason I had free time was that I made sure I had it. I didn't want to make any close ties with anyone because every time I did they would leave in some way. I haven't seen Ava Starr in almost two years and I wonder more and more each day where she is.

"So, I read that you can do telekinesis and things like that," Stark squints his eyes at me, "So what am I thinking?"

"I don't have time for this," I flip another page before studying some of the notes, "also it's telepathy, not telekinesis."

"I'm just curious on what it's like and what you do," he says closing the folder.

"Stark, I really need to get back to this," I'm starting to get slightly annoyed with this man, which is surprising because I thought I wouldn't last this long with him.

"Yeah, I know, I'll leave you alone for," he pauses before grinning and taking the file, "five minutes if you tell me what I'm thinking."

I position my arms so it would be hard for him to see the scars before looking up at him. He studies me before smirking and squinting his eyes. I roll my eyes once more before focusing my attention to his mind. I almost chuckle at what he is thinking.

"'Uncle Sam dresses like he is from the forties,'" I repeat what he thought and he smiles over at me and chuckled to himself. He points his finger at his face and waves it in front of his eyes.

"Your eyes glowed when you did that whole telekinesis thing," he explains and I nod showing that I already knew that. It was in my file as well and of course, I read it. The curiosity got the best of me and I wanted to know what they thought of me.

Stark walks away seeing that the conversation was going nowhere after returning the file to me. I fan through the notes for the next hour and somehow still manage to end up with nothing. The notes explained that it has the potential to explode and was found at the bottom of the ocean. I slowly rise from the chair and quietly make my way out of the room.

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