Chapter 49

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I grab my weekend bag and begin to pack it. Bella lays curled up in the corner with her eyes closed, the clock reads 3:45 and we take off at four. I waited to pack my bags until the last second. I tuck my strands of hair behind my ear and realize I almost forgot about my hearing aid. I haven't worn it much since last month, I place it into my ear and smile at the weirdness for hearing again.

"Great job Grace," I mumble to myself as I throw clothes into my bag and grab my makeup.

Natasha and I are the only ones that are going to the meeting due to scheduling conflicts with Rhodey and Tony. Vision is staying with Wanda at the compound so she won't be alone; Tony did try to persuade her to come along as well but she refused. I am beginning to wish I did as well.

I'm about to close my bag but then something in the back of my head stops me. I turn around to see my uniform on display, waiting for me to wear it. The mask wrapped around the fingers of the mannequin, the silver pendant resting at the center of the chest with green, yellow and purple bursting from it; the lines of color traveling onto my shoulder and down my arms, connecting themselves to the cuffs attached to the forearms. The rest of the uniform is like a cloak of blackness that gives me the ability to have my uniform blend in for the missions that involved us having to watch what was going on.

My hand reaches out to grab it and throw it into my bag but something stops me. There would be no use for it, security will be top notch with all the world leaders coming to this. I grab my black dress and shut my closet doors. I kneel down and pat Bella gently before giving her a kiss on the forehead. Wanda had agreed to take care of her for me and I told her I would repay her once I get back. I fix the straps of the bags onto my shoulder and walk out of the compound.

Natasha is standing outside of the jet and looks me up and down with a smile on her face.

"You're going to make an impression," she chuckles looking down at my sweats and my hair in a messy bun.

"Don't worry, I'm going to get ready on the plane," I say smiling at her, she takes my makeup bag to help me before we climb up the stairs to get in. "Are you going to sign?"

"Um... yeah," she looks down at me with a smile on her face but sadness is still peeking through her eyes.

"We need to talk," I mumble to her as we walk into the jet. I throw all my things into a pile on the chair and sit down in another chair and gesture for Natasha to do the same. "What's wrong?"

"This just doesn't feel right, I agree with the terms and conditions but it all just doesn't seem like this is going to help us in the future, you know?" She asks looking up me.

"Yeah, I know, and it just seems weird how it is now. It seems like they were waiting for S.H.I.E.L.D. to fall and for everything to go downhill for us. Like they were waiting for us to fail," I say and she is nodding at me before relaxing and closing her eyes. My eyes travel outside to the window and see the stars twinkle in the night as the engines start up and our plane begins to move.


"Ow!" I poke myself in the eye with the mascara from the jolt of the plane. I blink my eyes and fan at them to try to stop the tears from running down my cheeks and ruining my makeup. I look at myself in the mirror and try to put on a smile but I can't. The last time I wore makeup was.... was...

I collapse to the floor and tears break free from my eyes and stream down my face as sobs escape my lips. My shoulders and arms are shaking and my hand travels up to my face to try to stifle the sobs so Natasha won't hear me. When I got up an hour ago she was still asleep. I lean against the door and push the hair against my scalp so I get it off my face. I look at myself in the mirror and see black tears trail their way down my cheeks as my lip quivers, threatening to release another sob if I stop breathing.

I take in a few more deep breaths before getting up and press play on my phone. I close my eyes and wipe my makeup off as I listen to the lyrics to 'Secret Love Song' by Little Mix and begin to slowly rock back and forth in the bathroom. My arms wrap around me and tears stream down my face once more as I go back to that moment. Seeing Peter, holding him in my arms. Kissing him. My shoulders shaking as I recall what I had done to my best friends.

The song ends and goes onto another one and I stop to stare at myself to restart my makeup. My hand grasps onto my arm to try to steady it from shaking. A knock sounds at the door and I turn around to see Nat standing there, a sad smile on her lips as she embraces me. I wrap my arms around her.

"Thank you for always being there for me," I say and she just pets my hair to comfort me.

"That's why you have a family, Grace," she smiles at me, "to be there for each other. Now, let me help you with your makeup."


We walk in a side door to the building where the meeting is taking place. Natasha and I say 'hi' to a few leaders and nod at others who look at us with a sneer on their faces. I even waved at a group of them who were talking while looking at us. God, this is worse than middle school. A woman stops both of us asking for Nat's signature and she quickly signs as if she wants to get it done with.

"I suppose none of us are used to the spotlight," the prince of Wakanda says with a thick accent as he comes towards us. Natasha chuckles before answering.

"Oh, well, it's not always flattering," she says.

"You two seem to be doing alright so far," he looks between the two of us, "considering your last trip to Capitol Hill. I wouldn't think you would be particularly comfortable in this company. Or you with everything."

"Oh, I'm not," I say looking at him in the eyes, "I've never really been favored by the government."

"I've never been either," Natasha says.

"That alone makes me glad the two of you are here," He says.

"Why? You don't approve of all this?" I ask.

"The Accords yes, the politics not really," He says, looking over at me, "two men in a room can get more done than a hundred."

"I will have to disagree with that," I say and he just raises his eyebrows.

"Please give me an explanation on why you are here then," the prince says.

"The only reason I am here is that people believe that I am too young and naive to know what is right from wrong," I can feel Natasha's glare, but I don't break eye contact with T'Challa. "I also disagree with your statement that two men can get more done; a hundred men would be more likely to do what is right for the people and not just for themselves. Sure there may be more arguments, but that's how we learn who to listen to."

"That could not have been better said," King T'Chaka says walking over to us.

"Baba," Prince T'Challa says.

"Ms. Romanoff, Ms. Moriarty," he says to us.

"King T'Chaka, please allow us to apologize for what happened in Nigeria," Natasha says.

"Thank you, both of you for agreeing to all this," T'Challa's eyes flick towards me for a moment before returning to his dad, "I'm sad to hear that Captain Rogers will not be joining us today,"

"So am I," Nat says.

"Can everyone please be seated. This assembly is now in session," the PA says.

"That is the future calling," T'Challa says, he looks between the two of us, "such a pleasure."

We both nod before walking away, Natasha pinches me in the arm telling me that I was stupid for doing that whole fiasco roast thing on Tony in front of T'Challa. She pinches me two more times before we sit down and I swat her hand away when she tries to do it again. We wait a few moments before the assembly begins.

"When stolen Wakandon vibranium was used to make a terrible weapon, we in Wakanda were forced to question our legacy," T'Chaka begins, I can't tell whether or not he was talking about Ultron or Steve's shield. "Those men and women killed in Nigeria were part of a goodwill mission from a country too long in the shadows. We will not, however, let misfortune drive us back; we will fight to improve the world we wish to join. I am grateful to the Avengers for supporting this initiative. Wakanda is proud to extend his hand in peace..."

"Everybody get down!"

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