Chapter 42

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Finals were canceled due to the whole fiasco on Friday and the teachers allowed the eighth graders to hang in the commons area, the rest of the school had to continue on with classes so we were the only grade here. I can't get the words of what Wanda said out of my mind, what she recommended for me to do was horrible, but I couldn't help but agree with her. I clench my fist at the thought and feel the snap between my fingers.

"Damn," I say and look down at the broken pencil I was using while drawing a design for a new suit.

"Hey, are you OK? You've been staring at that wall for a good five minutes," Peter says placing his hand on my back. I feel myself nod and look down at my picture, the drawing was ruined from the led and pieces of the pencil.

"Woah, Grace you got a grip there!" Flash says coming up to us with his hands in his pockets. Peter tenses next to me and places his hand down next to him. "What are you drawing?" I look around for Ned and Michelle but don't see them anywhere, they went to get snacks. "Can I have a look?"

"No," I simply say and close my sketchbook, but a hand grasps onto it before I could slide it into my backpack. "Flash, please let go." I try to stay as calm as I could and look him in the eyes.

"Aw, c'mon Grace, I'm sure they're not that bad!" Flash says and a few of his friends join behind him. "Just hand it over and let us take a look."

"Leave her alone," Peter says beside me and Flash and his friends begin to laugh. They hoot and holler, where are those damn Deans?

"Aww, does Penis Parker have a girlfriend?" Flash says and all his friends laugh harder before he pulls the book out of my hands. I get up in an instant and look him directly in the eyes. He stops laughing and stares at me, waiting for me to do something before bursting into another laughing fit. I cross my arms and just stare at him, this always works whenever my teammates take a joke a little too far.

"Flash," I sigh and look up at him, he quickly stops and his gaze travels up to me. "It's pretty sad how you think that this is a good way to impress a girl," I shake my head, "now please give me back my book and we will forget this ever happened."

"Let me have a look first," Flash says and begins to fan through the book, he holds it at an angle so his friends can't see it. I try to remain calm and collected as his eyes travel through the drawings that put what is in my head to paper. His smile slowly fades and I feel my heart drop, he must have found that drawing. My gaze slowly travels down to the book to see the one image I hoped no one would see.

Sketched onto the paper was my worst fear. The memory burns back into my brain like a movie. I close my eyes and feel a tear stream down my face, I put my hand out and hear the book close before it is placed into it. Hands go onto my shoulders as they gently push me back to the ground before they wrap around me. Silent tears fall off my cheeks as I look at a blurred Peter, the hands disappear before a jacket is placed over my shoulders, some things are said but I can't hear them due to the ringing in my ears. I feel myself begin to shake and a sob escapes my lips. Blurred figures surround me and I try to back up as memories continuously flash into my vision: me being held captive by the Harolese, my sister dying, the people turned to dust in New York, the list of the dead from Ultron, Peter getting hurt because of me. The list goes on forever. They all burn into my mind one after another, hands grasp mine causing myself to be brought back to reality.

"Grace," says someone, "Grace, can you hear me?" my head nods without my command as another sob escapes my lips. "Come on hun, let's go to the office. Let's go see the psychiatrist." I feel my head shake as I'm gently pulled up to stand. I can sense all my classmates gazes burn my skin as I walk out of the room.


"Can you tell me about this episode?" Ms. Ferras says. I've never visited her, but I have heard of her. It felt weird being the one asked these types of questions, I've always been the one that asked them. My friends have said them to me and so have my teammates but I've always said 'I'm OK' even though more than half the time I was lying.

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