Chapter 15

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We made it back to Avengers tower by the next morning. I fell asleep before any of them came back so I didn't really talk with anyone. Tony woke me up and I rushed to my room to clean up from the battle and take a long hot shower. I change into sweats and head up to the kitchen. Steve sits at the computer as he looks over something intensely. I realize I forgot to place my hearing aid back on so I make sure that my left side is facing towards Steve.

"Hey," I say as I grab some orange juice from the fridge.


"What you doing?" I ask.

"Just looking over some documents." I walk over to see what it is but he closes the laptop before I could take a look. I raise an eyebrow.

"What kind of documents?" I take a sip from my glass.

"Nothing important." He quickly gets up and exits the room.

"OK then," I mumble and make my way towards the lab to check on Clint.

"Hey, how's Clint?" I ask.

"He's still Barton," Tony says as he walks alongside Banner.

"That's unfortunate," I say and we all chuckle. They continue to walk and talk about science things, I walk up to the lab where I see the doctor that was working on Clint.

"Hi, I'm Grace," I say putting my hand out.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Helen." She takes my hand. "I've heard a lot about you, for instance, you have lost approximately seventy percent of your hearing three years ago. I could possibly regenerate the part of the ear that was damaged."

"I'll think about it," I say. I look down at Clint and see that he had fallen asleep, most of the wound healed, a blue light glows on his skin as it regenerates the skin. We don't talk after that, so I leave the room. Bruce and Tony are looking at a diagram of a brain and an eye, which is strange so I walk into the lab.

"What are you guys up to?" I ask and tilt my left side more towards them. Tony makes the diagram disappear quickly before turning around.

"Nothing, Fireball." I roll my eyes at the nickname he had given me. "I believe there is a song named that, don't you Bruce?"

Bruce looks between me and Tony and shakes his head. "No, never heard of it."

I have but I didn't want to give Tony the satisfaction. "May I take a closer look at the scepter?"

"By all means," Tony says and I step up towards it. The scepter sits in a scanner, at the top the blue glows. A speck of yellow peaks through it before disappearing. I touch the edge and my vision blurs with light. The light disappears and I'm looking up at Tony and Bruce, who had kneeled next to me. 

"Kid, you alright?" Tony asks and I nod. "Are you sure, because your eyes are glowing yellow and everything."

"Yeah, I'm fine." Something is inside of that and it connects with me. Bruce and Tony help me up and I begin to walk out of the lab but Tony stops me.

"You know, you did sleep for about twelve hours when we were on the way back here," Tony says. "For the four hours of us flying and the other eight where you just slept on the ship."


"Yep." Is all Tony says? "Did you possibly use your time abilities?"


"How high was your highest BPM?"

"About two-eighty," I say.

"Well, let's not forget the fact that you aren't human," Tony says. "But it is strange how you have a resting heartbeat of a human."

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