Chapter 27

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My alarm blares and my eyes pop open to see fluffs of white surround me as my face is being licked to death by Bella. I look around my room and see feathers everywhere, my hand moves up to the pillow and feels a hole in the fabric. 

"Bella," I say thoroughly, "that's no! No!" 

Her ears go down and she looks down at the ground.  I pat the top of her head to let her know I'm not that mad. My alarm continues to go off and I look up at the ceiling. 

"Alright, I'm awake!" I shout and the alarm shuts off. "Turn alarm off until next week." 

My phone dings next to me and I reach for it and look at the screen. The text was from Michelle.

Don't forget to bring your Secret Santa gift to the party tonight at my house! 

"Shit!" I shout and jump out of the bed, I forgot about the Secret Santa thing. My fingers fly across my phone as I text Michelle. 

What time are we meeting? 

She responds within the next second telling me we are meeting at her house at six, so I have twelve hours until I have to be there. I bolt to my closet and pick out a pair of jeans and a sweater before calling Tony. The phone rings but he doesn't pick up. I pull a pair of converse on and sprint to the elevator with Bella on my heel. I pick her up as I press the main level to find Tony. 

The door dings open and I sprint out to the living area. Voices sound in the kitchen and I run in to see Happy and Tony arguing over a can of dog food. 

"What is happening here?" I ask and they both looking at me. Tony starts to chuckle, "What?" I ask. 

"I see that the dog had made a mess in your room," he points at my hair, I pluck a feather from it and feel redness creep into my face. 

"It's not as bad as you may think, besides that she was a good girl, anyways," I look at Tony, "I have Secret Santa with my friends and I don't know what to get the person I am giving the present to. So, I was wondering if we can go shopping for a gift?" 

"Sorry kid, I only have time to go get the necessities for the dog," Tony says and I just nod. 

"Can I have you sign something for him? He's a really big fan." I say. 

"He?" Tony says.

"Yes, he, my best friend," I say. 

Tony just nods at that and looks over at Happy, "Can you get me a photograph of me?" Happy looks between the two of us and runs out of the room. "Now, who is this 'he'?"

"He is my best friend since I went to the school, he helped me make new friends and helped me find my classrooms,  what?" Tony just smirks at me, "He was my first friend at the school." 

"Here you go," Happy comes in with a photograph and a pen and hands it to Tony. Tony just looks between me and the photograph before signing it and handing it to me. 'Thank you' I mouth before taking off towards my room to wrap it. 

"Tell me a little more about this kid," Tony says under his disguise as we make our way to the pet store. I shift Bella's weight in my arms before I speak. 

"What would you like to know?" I ask. 

"What's his name, how old is he and do you have a crush on him?" Tony ticks off his fingers. 

"His name is Peter, he is my age, the only difference is about a few months with him being older and no, I don't have a crush on him. I don't think I'm emotionally stable enough to be thinking about that." I respond and we turn into a corner pet store. 

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