Chapter 35

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Warning, this chapter is a little graphic with the detail of blood and wounds

"Grace? Grace!" I fall over onto my back as blood pools around me. Peter comes into my sight, his fat lip and black eyes cause me more pain than the bullet hole in my left shoulder. I feel the blood drip out onto the ground from my back. "Grace!"

Gunshots sound outside and I look over to see Natasha firing guns in the doorway. I feel-I feel my breath become heavy as tears stream down my face. My jaw automatically clenched from the pain as my vision blurs. A man pushes Peter out of the way and looks down at me.

"Grace, how many fingers am I holding up?" It's Steve, I can recognize his voice. I feel my lips form into a smile and my eyes begin to grow heavy. "Grace, Grace stay with me, stay with me." His voice echoes into my mind as I feel my eyelids droop and he pries them open.

A hand grasps onto mine and squeezes three times before disappearing as I'm lifted up. Someone else runs passed us as we run out the doors. Red, white and blue lights flash into my vision. Pain erupts in my chest with each bounce and breath I take, blood spills out of my mouth and thumping pounds in my ears.

"I need EMTs here right now! She's been shot!" Steve shouts. Yells erupt from in front of us and I force my gaze to look up at Steve but all I see is a blur. "Grace stay awake, whatever you do, do not close those eyes."

"Peter," I whisper. "Where's Peter?"

"He's right behind us going into another ambulance, he's going to be OK, but I need you to focus on staying awake. Keep your eyes open, don't let them close." I feel myself being laid down onto something soft, pain erupts from my shoulder and I cry out and try to lift myself up but hands push me down. "Grace stay down, let the EMTs do their work!"

"Peter!" I try to shout but only wheezes escape my lips. Coughs erupt from my throat and I twist over the edge of the bed. Blood and spit come out of my throat as hands gently pull me back onto the bed before they wheel me towards a truck. Black and white dance with each other as they take turns filling my vision. "Peter!" I whisper quietly as blackness begins to take more control. "Pete- Peter."

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