War Takes

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Welcome back!! Gonna shift a little bit in focus. Sorry all you Keith and Lance lovers, but there are other characters that need focus. Specifically these two. Let's see what these two are doing. But don't worry, Keith will Be back from his Galra mission shortly.


Shiro sighed as he sat in the commons area sipping at his drink.

"You alright?" A voice said behind him, Shiro turned to see one of the guys who worked on the bridge. Shiro still didn't really know everyone on the ship, there were just too many people and he was always busy.

"Yeah, I'm just worried. Keith left, and I'm worried about him being alone. He isn't in the happiest of places right now." Shiro said.

"Is it cause Allura passed on?" He said as he walked over to sit across the couch from him. "Weren't they a thing or something? That's what it looked like on the show...."

"No!" Shiro chuckled and shook his head. "Couldn't be more wrong. Keith had no romantic interest in Allura. That was Lance."

"Oh." The boy laughed. "I'm Curtis by the way. Not sure if you knew."

"Shiro, But I think you knew that." Shiro said.

"Good job at that arm wrestling thing." Curtis said. "It was fun watching you take down everyone there, even though you cheated with the robot arm."

"Did not!" Shiro laughed. "Everyone else had robot arms too."

Curtis laughed. "Sure... then who does Keith like? He got a girlfriend or something?"

"No. Why are you asking?" Shiro said, getting a little protective over Keith.

"Relax space dad." Curtis teased. "I'm not interested in Keith. But I am about as interested in girls as he is." He said as he stood up. "I gotta go, see you around." Curtis said and just left.

Shiro sat there in a little bit of shock. How would Curtis know that? Was it obvious or something? Whatever Curtis meant by that, Shiro couldn't get that out of his mind the rest of the day.


"How did you know?" Shiro said to Curtis, he had dismissed everyone from their meeting but him.

"Know what?" Curtis questioned.

"How did you know Keith is..." Shiro didn't want to say it out loud, incase Curtis didn't know. "You said earlier that you were as interested in women as he was. What did you mean by that?"

"Relax Sir." Curtis said. "I'm not going to go around telling anyone the red paladin's or your secret."

"My secret?" Shiro said.

"Yeah. Is that not obvious?" Curtis said.

"I don't know what your talking about." Shiro said.

"Come on, nobody's eyeliner is that perfect." Curtis said. "Honestly gotta hand it to you, you do a very good job. I tried all that, just wasn't my thing."

"How did you know this was eyeliner?" Shiro questioned. "I've been wearing it for so long I feel like it's become a part of me. So has everyone else."

Curtis laughed. "I'm not stupid Captain. That's why I work here on the bridge besides you."

Shiro sighed. "But seriously, Keith has a hard enough time being with people, it would be impossible if everyone knew that, I just don't want to loose him."

"I understand, it can be hard when the person you love doesn't love you back." Curtis said.

"Is that obvious too?" Shiro raised an eyebrow.

"Well were you surprised when he told you?"

"No... but I've been with him for years." Shiro said. "You barely have seen him."

"But I saw the way he looked at Lance when he was with Allura." Curtis said. "It's the look of a broken heart. I believe we all know heartbreak too well. The war took many from us. Took someone dear to you I believe right?"

"Yes, Adam. We were flight partners." Shiro explained.

"I think it was more then flight partners." Curtis said.

"I don't want to remember. I wish to try and move past that." Shiro said. "What about you? The war take from you?"

"Yes, my family." Curtis said. "It's sad, being alone. But at least I get to do something good and their memory lives inside of me." He pulled out a picture to show him, it was a family picture, Curtis looked to be the oldest child, with three little kids behind him and his parents.

"I'm sorry." Shiro said.

"Don't be." Curtis said. "Like you said, the war takes. That's why we are here, to make sure it doesn't take more. I'm sorry about your Adam. I hope you find a new happiness someday."

"As am I. I hope happiness finds you to." Shiro said to Curtis. "But I get the feeling you know something about me that you aren't saying?"

Curtis chuckled. "Alright Sir, But I'm sure you'll figure it out soon if you haven't already."

"Your dismissed." Shiro laughed softly, and Curtis left the room with a small smile on his face.

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