Baby it's cold outside

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This is a long one.
But it's an AMAZING chapter!
At least I hope so XD.

Have a wonderful new year everybody!

Please tag friends or send them this. I would appreciate it greatly!


"Curtis where are you taking me?" Shiro asked as Curtis drove through the mountains.

"I told you, on a date." He explained.

"Yeah but you won't tell me where or why we are doing." Shiro pointed out.

"Maybe it's a surprise." Curtis chuckled.

"Well whatever it is, it better be good, cause you dragged me away from work." Shiro said.

"Oh you weren't doing anything important." Curtis laughed.

"You don't know that." Shiro said.

"I actually do." Curtis said. "I asked Coran and he said nothing was happening today."

"I feel like I'm being kidnapped..." Shiro said.

"Oh you are? Here have a kit-kat." Curtis handed him a candy bar. "Better?"

Shiro smiles and chuckled. "Better."

"How is space peace stuff going?" Curtis questioned.

"It's working out." Shiro said as he took a bite of the candy bar directly... in a way you should never eat it!!

"Shiro!!" Curtis said. "What are you doing?"

"I am eating it..." Shiro said, raising an eyebrow.

"You break it and you eat each individual piece." Curtis explained.

"That's no how me and Keith eat it." Shiro said.

"What! You taught Keith to eat it that way too? What did you also tell him you put the milk in before the cereal?" Curtis snapped.

"There is no right way of doing things!" Shiro said and took another bite of the kit-Kat just to annoy him.

"Oh that's it!" Curtis teased. "We gotta stop the car right now... I can't continue onward!" He stopped on the side of the road and parked the car and got out and started to walk in the snow.

Shiro laughed and opened the window. "Where are you going?" He chuckled.

"I can't drive in a car with a crazy person." Curtis said as he sat on the hood of the trunk.

Shiro laughed before rolling up the window and coming outside to sit by him. "How are we suppose to get to our date then?" He asked as he sat by him.

"There wasn't a date..." Curtis said. "I just wanted to spend time with you." He looked over at Shiro.

Shiro smiled and blushed. "Well you should of told me to bring my jacket, it's freezing out here."

"Come here." Curtis opened his arms. "Lean on me, my chest is warm." He wrapped an arm around Shiro.

Shiro smiled and leaned against him. "Want some kit-kat?" He questioned.

"Not now that it's corrupt." Curtis teased and the two of them laughed as snow fell all around them.


"What do you mean Lance is sick?" Keith said as he arrived on the farm winter morning to pick up some more supplies Lance had ready.

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