Garrison Winter Formal pt 1

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James knocked on the door of the Holt's house. He was dressed in a nice black suit with an emerald green tie, in his hands he held in a box the corsage for Katie, it had white roses with green ribbon. He was a bit nervous, this was his first dance he had ever been to with a date. He took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

Matt answered, he was also wearing a tux, but he hadn't done up the tie yet. "Well well Well... look who it is." He said.

"Hey Matt. Where is Katie?" James questioned.

"She is getting ready with my mom." Matt opened the door for him to come in, he went to the mirror to finish tying off his tie.

"I have to admit, I am a bit nervous, are you?" James questioned.

"Eh not really, but I'm going with my girlfriend." Matt said. "So it's not as big of a deal as you going with my sister."

"Why would it be a big deal?" James questioned.

"Well if you hurt her, disrespect her, or try anything..." Matt looked at him. "You have a lot of people who will be coming after you."

James gulped softly before hearing a yell from upstairs.

"It's fine mom!" Pidge was yelling. "I don't need so much jewelry."

"Aww But honey, what about another bracelet?" Her mom ran after her.

Pidge walked out and was on the edge of the stairs. She was surprise to see James was already here. "What! Matt, James is here and you didn't tell us?" She said as she walked down the stairs.

James was completely stunned by her. He had never seen her dress like this. She was wearing a long emerald green dress with gold decorations on the top and bottom. It was simple, yet elegant, there was some poof to the dress as well. She was wearing wedges heels, since she was so short and couldn't walk in the dress otherwise. Her face had been decked out my her mom in make up, it looked natural and beautiful. She had on some light pink lipstick too, her hair was curled and a bit was pulled up and pinned with a gold decorations. As a final touch, she had on a necklace and some earrings. She looked stunning, so different, and so beautiful.

"Wow..." James said as he watched her walk down the stairs, or try to walk down the stairs in those heels, she was handing onto the railing mostly.

"Katie!" Her father walked into the room. "Why you look just as beautiful as your mother." He complimented.

"Thanks Dad." Pidge said, looking up to meet Jame's eyes.

"I got you something." James said and walked forward, opening the box he put the flowers on her wrist.

"Thank you." Pidge smiled.

"Here Pidge." Matt handed her a box which had Jame's boutonniere in it. She took it out and then pinned it to his shirt.

"Aww. You two are adorable. Let's get some pictures!" Her mom said.

"Mom..." Pidge blushed with embarrassment.

"Just a few." She insisted. Pidge and James stood by the door and smiled as her mom took pictures of them. Matt had left to go pick up his girlfriend while they finished off pictures.

"Okay, you kids have fun." Her father said as he opened the door for them to go. James offered his arm for Pidge to grab so she could stay balanced as they walked to his car.

"But not too much fun!" Her mom called after them. James got the door for Pidge and helped her in before getting in on his side and starting the car.

"You are truly beautiful Katie." James smiles over at her before heading off to the dance.

They drove off into the night, Pidge gazed out her window as the stars as they drove. "Wait," She said. "This isn't the direction of the Garrison, where are you taking me?"

"You will see." Jame's said as he drove out into a field.

"Where are you taking me James?" Pidge snapped.

"Relax, it's alright." James said as he parked the car. "Let's get out here."

Pidge was a bit skeptical about the location. They were in the middle of nowhere and this was a random field. James ran around and got her door, he picked her up bridal style.

"Woah there!" Pidge said. "What are you doing!"

"I don't want you to get your shoes dirty." James said. "Look ahead."

Pidge looked ahead to see something in the shadows. It was a helicopter, just starting up, the wind was blowing at them lightly. "What is that for?" Pidge questioned.

"We are riding to the dance in style." James smiles at her. "Only the best for the best." He smiled.

Pidge smiled happily at him. "Wow... you arranged all this. Thank you." She smiled.

"Hope this night is as magical for you as it is for me." James said.


"Hey Lance." Keith said as he walked into the greenhouse.

"Wow back already?" Lance said. "It's hardly been two months."

"Yeah, stopping back with Axca." Keith told him. "Thought I would come visit instead of being alone in my ship."

"Well nothing exciting is happening. Veronica just left for the dance, but that's it. I am replanting these flowers in smaller pots." Lance explained. "What do you got there?"

"Well I brought you another gift from one of the planets I visited." He said, pulling it out from behind his back. It was a video game! Just like the one Lance played back on the castle of lions.

"Wow Keith. That's so cool! It's the newest edition as well. You didn't have to—"

"But I did." Keith said.

"Wanna play a match?" Lance challenges him.

"I don't know how to play that." Keith said.

"It's easy. I will show you." Lance said. "Come on Mullet, let's get inside and we can hook this up before everyone gets home."

"Perfect plan." Keith chuckled as he went inside with Lance.

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