The Hot Date

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Hey everyone! At this point, please watch the Shiro Diplomacy/Hunk serving food part at the end of season 8. That's where that all fits into the story line. Thanks for reading so far!


"You did amazing." A voice said behind Shiro. Shiro turned around to see Curtis, dressed in a nice white button up shirt, he was holding his orange cadet jacket over his shoulder.

"Thank you." Shiro smiled as he stood up. "If it wasn't for Hunk's cooking I'm not sure i would of came through to them." He chuckled. "You ready to go? We got a bit of time before I have to be back for dinner."

"Yes I'm ready. I got all the stuff." He held up a basket. "The statue looks amazing by the way. Saw it on my way here."

"It really does, Lance did a wonderful job of designing it. He seems a bit happier now that he gets to tell Allura's story to the Children who are coming to visit today."

"And Keith?" Curtis questioned as he intertwined his fingers with Shiro. "How is he holding up?"

"He told me about his time with the Galra. How they all wanted him to be the leader. He was actually going to accept the job, since Voltron is no longer needed. He was going to the the Galra leader, that was until I told him about Lance. Now he is rushing back here, giving up that big opportunity, and I don't know why. I get that he still likes Lance, but, I'm not sure Lance likes him back. I just worry about Keith, I don't want him to get hurt over this."

"I understand. He is like a brother to you." Curtis said as they walked to Shiro's flyer. "And every time you tell me things about them, you start to get me worried too. But I promise everything will be alright." Curtis told him and kissed his forehead before handing him a helmet. "Now let's get going, we gotta have you back in time for dinner." He smiled as he got on.

"Hey, that's my spot. No way am I letting you drive this thing." Shiro said. "Move aside."

Curtis chuckled. "Fine." He scooted back so Shiro could get on to drive, he hung on around his chest as they drove off quickly into the mountains of Altea.

They arrived at the spot Shiro had found a while ago, they set up a blanket and started a fire before relaxing by each other, having a blanket around them as they sipped at hot coco.

"You make good hot chocolate." Shiro commented.

"Well certainly better then you. You can't cook to save your life." Curtis teased, his arm around Shiro's back as they cuddled a tiny bit.

"Yeah yeah I know, I suck." Shiro laughed. "That's why I picked the spot and you made the treats."

"You did pick a good spot. This view is beautiful despite it being freezing." Curtis said.

"Sorry, didn't know there would be snow here now." Shiro said. "But good thing you bright a blanket, and your nice warm body."

Curtis gasped dramatically. "Shiro! Are you stealing my body heat?"

"Maybe..." Shiro said softly as he cuddled closer.

"How dare you!" Curtis laughed. "You must repay me in kisses." He ordered.

"Mmmm... kiss you? Wouldn't think of it." Shiro teased before leaning his head up to meet his lips. They kissed sweetly before a gush of cold wind ruined the moment.

Curtis sighed. "It's getting late, you gotta get back for dinner right?"

"Yeah. Gotta meet with the team. This might be the last time I see them all." Shiro sighed. "I don't want to even think about not having them in my life anymore. But Lance is going back to his parents, Pidge is working with her family on technology stuff, Hunk is traveling the galaxy fulfilling his dream, and Keith.... well frankly I have no clue what Keith is doing, but I hope he ends up alright. I guess it's just hard cause everyone is going in their own direction. Makes me sad to see that Voltron is coming to an end."

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