Monsters and Mana 2 pt 3

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Holy crap! We got over 50 views on that last post in just 12 hours!!!

Thanks everybody!

Also you guys have no clue about the self restraint I go through to only post ONE of these a day when I have like 6 written!! It's killing me!


Lance was expecting the scenario to play out something like this.

"Oh Lance!" The princess said as Lance dipped her in his strong arms. "Your so strong, brave and HANDSOME!"

"I know." Lance said, inserting a tooth sparkle as he smiled dashingly down at her.

"Oh thank you for saving me!" The princess would say and then look up into his eyes as she batted her eyelashes. "Can I kiss you?"

"Maybe just a little..." Lance said, and he would lean down and have the second best kiss ever in his life. Then they would run away and live happily ever after together.

Instead the scenario played out more like this...

"Hello Princess." Lance took her small hand and got down on one knee as he put his noes to it. "I'm here to steal you away from this awful dungeon, and maybe steal a kiss as well." He smirked.

Lance was about to lean down to kiss her hand when he noticed something... there were some strangely familiar gloves she had on.

Lance slowly....


Gazed up her pale arm up to her face.

"Ahggg!!!" Lance jumped back, dropping the hand and quickly moved at least six feet away. "Keith?!"

"Lance?" Keith raises an eyebrow, pushing the red veil that covered his face out of his way. He was getting annoyed with it.

"I didn't mean any of that!" Lance said. "Your mullet makes you look like a princess!"

"I'm sorry?" Keith raised an eyebrow. "Ugh! This stupid veil. My character literally had to come with this? I can't see anything!"

"Here I got you." Lance pulled out a small knife and cut the veil off of him.

"Thanks." Keith said.

Lance couldn't keep it together anymore, he was snickering, but that eventually turned into a full out laugh.

"It's the dress isn't it?" Keith crosses his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Fear not princess!!" Shiro yelled as he ran into the room with everyone else, swords drawn and at the ready. "I, Paladin Takeshita Shirogane, together with my fellow warriors have slaid the fowl beast that—" he laid eyes on Keith and Shiro couldn't take it either.

Everyone laughed. So hard.

"It's not my fault!" Keith huffed as he sat across the room now in real life. "I got last pick!"

"What does your character do Keith?" Lance laughed. "Can you grant us knighthood."

"No." Keith said and turned his head to the side. "I only have one thing, and I can only do one thing."

"Do you have the next part of our quest?" Shiro asked.

"Yes." Keith said and had his character give Shiro a piece of a map.

"What can your character do? Do you got any cool moves?" Pidge questioned.

"I can do this." Keith said and pressed a button. His character threw some glitter.

"That's it?" Lance laughed, he was having a hard time keeping it together. "Oh my gosh Keith! Can we screenshot this!! Oh my gosh!" He laughed more. "I'm laughing so hard I'm going to pee!" He ran quickly to the bathroom.

Keith laughed at Lance's reaction.

"That's seriously all you do?" Shiro questioned, snickering a bit.

"Yes." Keith said, rolling his eyes. "That's why you guys need to protect my guy. I don't want to die, I need to beat Lance. Maybe this glitter is poison." He went over to Lance's character and threw glitter at him.

"Stop That Keith!" Lance yelled from the bathroom.

Keith chuckled and kept throwing glitter until the character was covered head to toe in it.

"Keith stop that!" Lance couldn't get his character to move out of the mountain of glitter.

"Ooo I've unlocked a new move." Keith smirked and clicked on it. His character spun around and then blew a kiss. "Wow that was lame."

Everyone laughed.

"Let's get going, we got a treasure to find and a princess to protect." Shiro said

"I don't need protection." Keith said. "I just need a sword or something."

"No no no, a pretty little princess doesn't use weapons." Lance teased.

"What about Merida. Can I be her?" Keith asked.

"Nah, you are more of a... umm... your not very princess like Keith." Lance said.

"Gee thanks." Keith said sarcastically.

"Will you two stop bickering?" Pidge said. "Let's get joining."

"Adventure awaits!!" Curtis said and their characters headed off.


Thanks for reading kind people.

I can't believe how much attention this book has gotten! Thanks for sharing my story, and I hope you have all enjoyed it.

Does anyone else have anything fun they wish for me to (maybe) write before I start to write the final conclusion of the piece? This Monster and Mana stuff has been fun, and I want more ideas for things. At the end of the Monsters and Mana I will list a few things I have coming up that I will write about.

Thanks again, see ya all tomorrow!

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