Stuck as Friends

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Happy Friday!! I decided to post two chapters!!! Because we all need a little extra on Fridays!

"Haven't you noticed?" Ezor said. "Every Time He comes back He is happy."

"I have." Zethrid said. "He always acts like he ate a big box of cookies."

"Now now guys, don't tease our fearless leader about his Earth crush." Axca said as she brought everyone some food.

Keith walked back into the ship. He wasn't happy like he normally was, instead he was sad. He grabbed a bit of food and looked at it for a moment, then put it back and started to walk to his room.

"How was..." Zethrid began. "Is it the blue one?"

"Yes the blue toothpick." Ezor said.

"Lance is not a toothpick." Keith snapped. "Come on guys. We are a humanitarian group for crying out loud." He headed to his room.

"Really? I thought we were lesbians." Ezor joked.

"Guys..." Axca snapped. "I think he had a bad day. Lay off." She stood up and went after Keith.

Keith laid on his bed cuddled up with the pillow. He was staring at the picture of him and Lance winning the race. The looked so perfect together. It was beyond perfect, it was right. Axca peaked in and saw this, she sighed, she knew she couldn't help. As much as she wanted to, Keith needed one person.

She took out her phone and called Krolia. "Hey... it's Keith. He needs you."


Krolia walked into Keith's room when she arrived right away. Keith was crying into his pillow. Krolia came over and put a hand on her son's back and gently stroked it to comfort him.

He looked up from the pillow. "Mom?"

"Keith." She smiled and hugged him. He squeezed his arms around her shoulders and cried into them. "Honey what happened?"

"Lance... He... He doesn't like me back." Keith cried.

Krolia Bit her lip, she sighed and held onto Keith. She had no clue what to say. She wanted to go beat the crap out of Lance and make him like her little boy, but she knew that was wrong. She held onto Keith and rubbed his back. "Tell me more... it's going to be okay."

"It's not..." Keith sniffles as he pulled away. "I felt butterflies in my stomach every time I saw him after the bonding moment. Time went by and he was always stuck in my head. I guess i held onto something that didn't matter, he didn't even remember it anyways. I want to forget... but I can't. I guess I was just hoping that we would end up together."

"I'm sorry Keith." Krolia said. "But heartbreak is something we all go through. I know you are hurting." She said to him. "But you are just one heart break closer to happiness Keith. You don't always end up with your first choice. That's alright. Now come on... let's go home." She stood up with him. "You can come with me, we can watch movies, spar together. It will be fun."

"Thank you mom." Keith smiled as they exited his room. "You always know what to say."

"Let me know if I need to go beat up Lance." She teased. "I bet your lesbian squad will help out too."

"Oh you bet we will." Zethrid said.

Keith chuckled. "Thank you guys. But I think I'll just stick to a weekend with my mom. That's all I need right now."

"Goodbye Keith." Axca hugged him. "I'll make sure these two don't hold back the humanitarian service."

"Thank you Axca. I know i can rely on you. Thanks for calling my mom." Keith said as they hugged.

"Aww we hugging?" Ezor came out of the back room and ran to going the hug.

Keith chuckled and everyone joined in to hug Keith. He didn't care at all, in fact he loved it. Hugs were one of his most favorite things in the world.


"Oh Allura..." Lance looked at the flower in his hand that reminded him so much of his girl. "I love you... I wish I was smart enough to bring you back. But I'm just the dumb one."

Lance laid down in his bed. He looked at the photo of him and Allura on his nightstand from their date. "I love you." He said to her before rolling over to try and get to sleep.

But he never could when she was on his mind. He sniffles as he felt some tears. "Nobody will ever love me... I won't ever love anyone." He cried. "I am going to die alone, without you. You are gone, and Keith is no longer my friend. I am all alone Allura. I wish I could hold you again and kiss you... or even just to see your beautiful face once more."

He clung onto a pillow and slowly cried himself to sleep.


This is such a cute video. This video inspired This chapter a bit. Enjoy! Sorry it was a short chapter.

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