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Before we begin this new chapter:

I need YOUR help

I am approaching the end of the things I have planned out. But I do want to write a bit more before I conclude with this story. So I want some small ideas, like little things characters could do, thinks you want answered, backstories, whatever!

But I only have like 10 more parts planned out... which is sad that this is getting close to being done!!!

But I might do like bonus scenes after, idk depends on how I feel

Please comment all your ideas HERE and I will take into consideration every single one of them and see if I can fit them between this and the final!

Thank you! Sorry this chapter is short, it's a bridge chapter.


"Oh Lance, I love you." A high pitched voice said from Lance's room.

Veronica raised her eyebrow and stopped in her tracks. Did Lance have someone over? She didn't hear anyone before, but was determined to investigate. She quickly walked back to his room and listened.

"Why yes." Lance said. "I would love to kiss you again. And again. And again."

"Oh please Lance." He voice said again. "Let's be together, get married have a family!"

"Ah-ha!" Veronica said as she quickly opened the door. "I got you! Wait till mom hears about—" she paused, looking around it was just Lance, sitting on the floor of his room with some action figure dolls. "Seriously?"

"What!!" Lance snapped. "There is nothing wrong with having fun."

"You got dolls."

"Action figures." Lance held up the three pieces he stole from the game set, he had made a few more top out of clay, they looked terrible.

"And who are they exactly?" Veronica questioned.

"Well these two are me and Allura." Lance said. "We went on a date for clear day. Don't tell anyone, but spoiler alert, we are getting married soon."

Veronica chuckled. "Did you make one for me?"

"Yeah you are over there." He pointed to a doll on the desk beside another doll. "With Axca, you two are minding your own beeswax and leaving us alone."

"Who are the rest?" Veronica asked as she sat down across from her younger brother.

"Well Pidge and James are together, on a double date with Hunk and Shay." He pointed to some figurines that were on a pillow. "It's a giant bouncy house. And this one." He held up one that was by itself. "Well this one is Keith."

"Why is Keith wearing a dress?" Veronica asked.

"Well He was the princess in the game." Lance said. "But He is... Well I haven't developed what he is doing yet, the guy is hard to talk to sometimes, and I don't know who he would be on a date with at clear day."

"Well clear day is coming up. We should go and surprise the blade. I think they will be there."

"You think they will?"

"Well I want to surprise Axca." Veronica said. "And you can hang out, get some fresh air and stuff. Let's go have some fun for real."

"Yeah, clear day sounds pretty fun." Lance smiled. "Rides, games, food... it should be a blast."

"Yes it will little brother." Veronica said. "Now come on, it's in a week, we should pack up so we can leave in two days. We gotta get a good hotel."

"Are any space hotels good?" Lance questioned.

"Axca has shown me some fine ones." Veronica said. "Not to mention space dining is amazing."

"I have missed the new foods." Lance said. "Now I can't wait."

"I got to go teach a class, see you later." Veronica said.

"See ya..." Lance said before looking back down in his hands, where he had his doll and the Keith doll.


Yay on 3k views!!!

Sorry this part was so short, but it was a bridge to the next 4 parts. Which are going to be CRAZY cute!!
Each one is about a certain couple. ;)
And one is over 1500 words. (Sunday's)

Thanks everyone for sticking around, telling their friends and leaving comments/voting. They made me very happy!!!! :)

If you aren't following me yet, please follow! I'm almost to 1k followers!!


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