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Keith walked into him and his boyfriend's, Lance, apartment. He sighed, it was a long hard day at work. Plus he was terrified. He felt his legs shaking as he took a step forward, locking the door behind him as he set his keys covered in ashes on the table before just collapsing to the ground with his back to the door.

He took out his phone and saw his screensaver of him, Lance, and his dog Cosmo. So cute.... so sweet. Shiro has taken this photo for him. Speaking of Shiro, he got out his phone and called his life long friend.

No response. No pick up. Straight to voicemail.

"Hey Shiro... I lost you in the crowds. I don't know where you are or if you are still on the streets." Keith tried to say without tearing up. "I just hope you are okay... I'm back home with lance... I'm so tired and hurting so much. I'm worried about you and just want to know if you are alright." He broke down in tears before hanging up.

He then called Curtis. "Curtis? Is Shiro back?" He asked him worried.

"No... he hasn't come back. But I'm not home anymore... they were coming down our street of our apartment. I'm with Adam and his husband." Curtis said to Keith.

"Are they okay?" Keith asked.

"Yeah we are all okay. I've tried calling Shiro but he isn't picking up. You don't think—"

"No!" Keith said. "No no no. That didn't happen. It couldn't have happened. Oh Curtis I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight after what I've seen."

"Keith... you can take all the time you need to recover." Curtis pointed out.

"I tried to save Hunk's place. But they destroyed it. They burned it and stole his chairs, his tv's, his food. The restaurant is destroyed Curtis." Keith explained as he closed his eyes and looked down.

Lance stood on the other side of the room as he leaned against a doorframe. He hadn't been able to sleep without Keith here with him. Seeing the news made him so worried. But hearing everything Keith saw... was worst.

"And... I saw a man pulled from his car and beaten to death... there was nothing I could do about it." Keith said. "And my car... oh my car... they flipped it over and burned it. All my equipment is ruined." Keith began to cry. "And now Shiro is missing."

"Keith honey, it's okay. I'm sure his phone just died." Curtis said trying to stay positive. "He will be alright."

"Alright..." Keith looked up and saw lance and tried to wipe his tears away. "Let me know if he comes back to you." He said to curtis before saying goodbye and hanging up. "Lance you should be asleep."

"I can't sleep knowing you were out there baby." Lance said as he walked over to Keith and hugged him tightly on the ground. "Are you okay?"

"I didn't think when i would walk into work that this would happen." Keith said to lance as he held onto him.

"I didn't either. Or else I never would have let you go." Lance said. "Do you really have to go back to work tomorrow?"

"Yes." Keith said and stood up with lance holding him. "I gotta go. I have to protect the innocent people getting hurt by these violent animals."

Lance kissed his head softly. "Then let's go get some rest how about?" He held onto Keith as he walked with him to his room.

"I hope your flower shop is still alright..." Keith said as he began to change. He took off his black boots and blue uniform. He took out his gun and set it aside on the night stand.

"I think it's alright." Lance said. "But it's okay if it's not Keith. Cause you are alright!" He laid down in the bed as he waited for Keith.

Finally keith took his badge and set it aside on the night stand. His police badge. His badge he worked so hard to get. He remembered watching shiro, his older brother, train to be a police, and he followed in his footsteps.
His own father was part of the fire fighting department, and he knew he wanted to do something to help people. So he choose police department. And he never thought he would see a day when people hated all cops because of  a mistake of one.

Keith sighed as he laid down beside lance. "I... I just want to do my duty. And provide for you and for our family."

"I know. And you are doing that. There is nothing wrong." Lance said as he played with his hair. "The only crime here is your mullet." He teased.

"I hope Shiro is alright...." Keith said.

"I hope he is too." Lance said as he kissed Keith's cheek again and again.

"And Lance.... Cosmo...." Keith teared up a bit. "Didn't make it."

"What." Lance said as his heart dropped.

"They were throwing stones at this point women. I sent Cosmo in to scare the guys off so I could get the girl to safety. They threw rocks at Cosmo.... until he was dead." Keith cried more.

Lance had no words for that. These monsters in the streets. How could they do this? How could they hurt other people? Destroy buildings? How could they hurt other police officers like his darling boyfriend? What had this world come to?

"I tried to save him but they would have done the same to me too." Keith said to lance as he clung onto the tank top lance wore to bed.

Lance felt himself tear up a bit and held Keith close as they cried together.

"I don't know if I can sleep..." Keith said softly.

Lance then did the only thing he could think to do.  He sang to Keith.

"You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged, oh I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
The darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small"

Lance sang as he played with the ends of Keith's hair. His voice was soft and angelic, relaxing and calm.

"Show me a smile then
Don't be unhappy
Can't remember when
I last saw you laughing
This world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
Just call me up
'Cause I will always be there"

The news played in the TV behind Keith, and Lance watched the scenes play out on screen that was happening just downtown from them. The tv was muted so Keith couldn't see or hear the buildings burning and the people crying from the violent acts of tonight.

"And I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you"

Lance saw the film of a police dog laying dead on the scene... Cosmo...
He saw a business burning to the ground... Hunk's place.

"So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
I see your true colors
Shining through (true colors)
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful"

Lance paused for a moment as they identified who had been killed so far... the first face was all to familiar. It was James. Pidge's husband

"Like a rainbow." Lance said before breaking out in tears over a fellow officer killed during these riots by the awful animals. He held onto Keith as he cried.

"Lance? Lance? Is everything alright?" Keith asked softly.

"No... everything is not alright." Lance said.

Decided to go more sad for this short
Sorry if it's super dark!
I just wanted to address a few things and I hope this touches you guys!

Spread these stories of these Boys to see more cute stories, dramatic stories, feely stories, and sad stories!

Like and comment if you want a part two of this side story! It will show Shiro, Curtis, Keith, Lance, Adam, and more!
Thanks for reading and thanks for your comments!

It's been an honor flying with you all!


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