The Final Dance

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"Final" Chapter

Jk! There are 3 more

I love the picture for this chapter!!

This is the final "real" chapter

By real chapter I mean long chapter, the rest are 700 word ones... with pictures!


Keith walked up to Shiro. "Congratulations." He smiled as he hugged him. "You ready to take on the world now?"

"No no no! I'm done fighting." Shiro said. "I just want to spend the rest of my life with Curtis."

Keith smiled and chuckled. "I'm so happy for you."

"Speaking of happiness, where is Lance? I thought you would be hanging out with him."

"I... I decided I was going to give up Shiro." Keith said. "I have been holding onto something that never mattered. I was stuck in that bonding moment, but it meant nothing."

"Keith..." Shiro frowned. "Why don't you go talk to him?"

"I do talk to him." Keith said.

"Not about your feelings." Shiro said. "Or how you have felt about him for years."

"I can't." Keith said. "He loved Allura, not me. He lost her, but he still loved her..."

"Keith, look." Shiro said. "When Adam And I broke up, I thought I could never love again. But now, look at me, I am married and excited for what the future might bring. But I still love and remember Adam for who he was. But he is gone, and I love Curtis just as much and if not more then Adam. I also know that Adam loves me, and if he were here he would want me to be happy."

"What does that have to do with me?" Keith asked.

"I know Allura would want what's best for Lance." Shiro said. "Even though she is no longer with us. Keith, your happiness shouldn't mean anything less because she is gone, you two care about each other a lot. You deserve to be just as happy as I am."

"So your saying..." Keith raised an eyebrow.

"Alright everyone." The DJ said. "Final dance of the night. Let's slow things down."

"He is waiting for you." Shiro said.

Keith watched Shiro go to Curtis and they started dancing to the final song of the night. He looked to his side and saw the back of Lance's head.

It was now or never.

He walked straight ahead

"Hey sharpshooter." He called out to him. He held his hand up to Lance, his heart was beating a million times a second as he looked into Lance's blue eyes.

"Hey... want to dance?" Keith asked him.


Lance stared straight ahead at Keith as his arm was stretched out. He smiled softly. "I would love to dance." He said and placed his hand in his.

They moved apart before coming back together. Their eyes staying fixed on each other as they walked in a circle to the music.

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