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The picture gots nothing to do with the chapter much, but I like it. It's cute!

Also, don't be shy, give me a follow! I have a goal to reach 1k followers this year, and I'm so so close!

This is one of my favorite chapters BTW


"Totally beat you." Lance said as he ate some popcorn. The two boys were sitting on the back of Lance's truck they had driven out into the field to watch the sunset.

"You did not! You totally cheated." Keith said.

"I am better at video games then you will ever be Keith." Lance said. "You got no skills."

"If it was a real battle I would have won." Keith said, grabbing a handful of popcorn to eat.

"Whatever Mullet, Whatever you got to say." Lance teased.

"I don't even have a mullet anymore." Keith said. "I keep it in a tail now."

"It's still a mullet." Lance said.

Keith looked over at Lance and grabbed the back of his hair. "Seems like you are growing this out. You copying my hairstyle now?"

"Am not." Lance said. "Mullets are stupid."

Keith laughed and looked back ahead at the sunset. "Wow. This is just like last time we were on earth, before everything. Do you remember that? We watched the sunset, then you made me help you find a good shirt to wear. I was so clueless, honestly a horrible choice to bring, you should of brought Hunk, or anybody else."

"Nah, you did great." Lance said. "I still got the picture of me in it." He pulled it out of his wallet and showed Keith the picture of him and Allura on their date.

"Yeah. You do look nice." Keith said softly, handing him back the photo. "And happy."

"I was happy." Lance looked at the photos himself. "So so happy. She really was the one. But now, I'll probably die alone."

"That's not true." Keith said. "I'm sure someone out there likes you Lance."

"Thank Keith." Lance sighed. "I know your trying your best, but I can't be comforted about her."

"I'm serious. You will find love. You are cool, funny, and well... you know... good looking and stuff."

"Do you really think so?" Lance looked over at Keith. "You think I'll end up with some cute girl?"

Keith stares straight ahead, trying his best to keep it together. "Yeah." He said. "A cute... girl."

"What about you Keith. Have you ever been in love?" Lance asked him.

Keith paused, he looked down to the side away from Lance for a second, unsure of how to answer that question, he looked back up at Lance. "Once." He answered.

"Really?" Lance seemed surprise. "How did it end?"

Keith chuckled and looked down before looking back at the sunset. "It hasn't."

Lance looked at Keith for a second. He didn't quite get what Keith meant by all that. "Oh... okay. Well you should embrace love Keith. It's actually the best thing ever, when Allura and I were dating it was so so amazing, there was always a hand to hold, and someone to talk to when needed. It was amazing."

"Yeah sure it was." Keith snapped, a bit bugged.

"What's wrong with you?" Lance asked. "I'm trying to be sensitive and help you and you are acting like a jerk."

"Maybe I just don't want to talk about that. Can we change the subject?" Keith asked.

"Yeah okay." Lance said, being quite as he thought. "I just remembered something!" Lance turned to Keith. "When I say Vol, you say Tron. Vol—"

"Voltron." Keith said without hesitation.

"Keith!! It's been years!" Lance said.

"It's so much simpler if you just say Voltron!" Keith argued. "You say it, it's done! Cheer over. It doesn't have to be complicated! I don't get it!"

Lance laughed, holding his stomach. Keith's eyes softened when he heard his laugh and he laughed too. Keith grabbed a piece of popcorn and threw it at Lance, it hit his face.

"Hey!" Lance laughed and grabbed a piece to throw at Keith, it got caught in his hair.

Keith smirked and grabbed a handful and threw it at Lance. Their war of popcorn went on until they both had popcorn in weird places and the sun had gone down.

"We should head back, before the mosquitoes get us." Lance suggested.

"Yeah we should, I should probably get some sleep too before I head out tomorrow. It's been nice hanging out with you Lance." Keith smiled.

"You too." Lance smiled back.

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