Monsters and Mana 2 pt 2

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"You guys think the princess will be cute?" Lance questioned.

"Probably, since she is a computer player like person." Pidge shrugged.

"We should head out right away." Lance said. "There are princesses that need saving!"

"We gotta find Keith's character first." Shiro pointed out.

"I honestly don't want to be found..." Keith said as he was looking at his little screen that controlled his character.

"Come on Keith." Lance said. "Where is your guy?"

"I don't know." Keith said. "But I also don't know how to play, so you all go find the princess, but I don't think your characters can make it past the dragon."

"Oh yeah! Well mine will." Lance smiled proudly at himself. "Shiro will probably die, but that's alright."

"I'll just make a new Paladin." Shiro said.

"Can we get started?" Hunk said. "Before my character needs to pee."

"Does anyone want any cookies?" Keith pokes his head out from the kitchen, he had wandered over there to get some food. "They are black."

"Like your soul." Pidge whispered under her breath.

"No they are chocolate..." Keith said. "Right now they are making red velvet cup cake."

"Why red velvet? Red velvet is disgusting." Lance said.

"Red velvet is my favorite..." Keith said.

"Well then you clearly have never tasted cheese cake." Lance said.

"Eww." Keith said. "No that is disgusting."

"Can you two stop bickering so we can play?" James interrupted.

"Fine." Keith went back into the kitchen to eat more goodies.

They laughed and the hero's began on their quest. Shiro lead the way through the woods, they hunted animals for food and spend many nights camping around a campfire before they could see the castle with the dragon.

"Wow that is one tall castle." Pidge said.

"It's even taller for you." James teased.

"Whatever, that's nothing." Lance said. "I'll teleport inside and save that princess while you all kill the dragon."

"Lance Wait—" Shiro said, But Lance had already gone.

"Well then it's just us." Curtis said. "What do you all got That's dragon killing materials."

"I got a lot of weapons." James said.

"I got some spells." Hunk said.

"An Axe." Pidge said.

"I have a sword." Shiro said.

"Sweet, cause I got a basket full of bandages." Curtis laughed. "Can I have something of yours James?"

James gave him some weapons before they all started to head to the castle.

"Ready?" Shiro said. Everyone nodded. "Attack!!"

Coran played the dragon that was guarding the castle, it was a huge orange dragon.

Hunk hardly got to use his spells since he was too busy reviving everyone back to full health. "You guys keep almost dying! Use some shields!"

James was the first to fully use his shield and actually got a good shot with his cross bow at the beast.

Pidge was kinda useless at the moment, just attacking the feet of the dragon, making it annoyed.

Shiro kept yelling heroic cheesy phrases before each attack.

Curtis laughed and tried to strategize but nobody would listen to him.

But finally Hunk was able to cast a spell which killed the dragon.

"Finally, we can go inside." Shiro sighed.

"You all suck at listening." Curtis complained.

"Oh my gosh... she is so hot!!" Lance said, his character ran up to the princess who was looking out the window.

She was in a romantic red gown, with black lacing at the bottom. She had on a golden crown which laid softly in her beautiful black long flowing hair.

"Hello Princess." Lance took her small hand and got down on one knee as he put his noes to it. "I'm here to steal you away from this awful dungeon, and maybe steal a kiss as well." He smirked.

Lance was about to lean down to kiss her hand when he noticed something... there were some strangely familiar gloves she had on.

Lance slowly....


Gazed up her pale arm up to her face.


Oh my who do you guys think the princess is?

So far I got 5 parts of Monsters and Mana 2 total. 😏😉 so more to come tomorrow.

Does it pain everyone else to wait for the new chapters? Cause it pains me not to publish them...

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