The Wedding

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Okay! First of all. I have never actually attended a wedding. So I don't actually know what it's like, I have just seen it on movies. So if this chapter lacks detail that's why. But please enjoy!!

"You look amazing Shiro." Keith said as he watched Shiro do up his tie.

"I'm real nervous. It's not every day you get married." Shiro smiles, he was so happy he couldn't stop smiling.

This made Keith feel happy. "Don't be nervous. What's he gonna do? Walk out? He loves you more then anything Shiro."

"Yeah he does." Shiro looked at the ring. "And I love him just as much."

"Now come on. Everyone is waiting." Keith said as he took Shiro's hand and lead him to the entrance.

Keith opened the door for Shiro and walk ed in down the hallway with the flower girl, Pidge.

Curtis stood at the front, wearing his matching white suit. He had the biggest dorkiest smile on his face as he caught a glimpse of Shiro. Everyone rose as the music played. Shiro walked down the isle, his eyes staying fixed on Curtis the whole time.

This was the happiest day of his life.

When he got to the front he put his hands in his and their foreheads went together. Shiro and Curtis were both tearing up cause of how happy they were.

Keith smiled from the side, he held the rings they would exchange in his hand. His eyes did catch something else through. A certain Cuban boy who did happen to make it to the wedding after all. He sat beside Hunk and Matt and they were all smiling over how happy Shiro and Curtis were.

"I do." Shiro said as the ceremony went on.

"I do." Curtis said.

Then they kissed.

Pidge tossed the Rose peddles into the air as she let out a holler of happiness. Everyone got on their feet and clapped for them.

Keith smiled at his best friend he had known his entire life and clapped as well. When they finally pulled away Keith handed Shiro the rings.

Shiro a ring onto Curtis's finger, and Curtis slid it onto Shiro's.

And that was that. The two were married.

And finally happy as they held hands walking out of the ceremony room, leaving a clapping crowd behind them as they walked off to a fancy limo.

The two pulled in for one final kiss before they got into the car to head off to the reception that was happening.

Keith smiled as he watched his friend drive away. As his eyes watched the car head off his eyes caught another, one he hadn't talked to since their fight.

You need to let go. Krolia had told him. The love you feel for Lance is a part of you but you need to keep going on Keith. You need to move on, you can't just stay in once place and refuse to be happy.

"Hey man..." Lance walked up to Keith and stood in front of him. "That was a nice wedding. I heard you helped plan it. Good job. Are you going to the reception?"

"Yeah." Keith said, crossing his arms over his suit. "It was real great seeing Shiro so happy."

"I bet you cried." Lance teased. "I sure did."

"Yeah.." was all Keith said, he grabbed a small gift out of his pocket and shoved it in Lance's broad hard chest. "This was the gift from the last planet I went to."

"What was this planet like?" Lance asked with a smile.

"It was Earth..." he said before walking off to go to his motorcycle. He was doing what was best, giving up. Lance was to going to love him anyways, not now not ever. So he was taking his mother's advice and leaving it behind him, to try and move onto a better life.

He wished there was at least one reality out there where he was the one who could make Lance happy the way Shiro made Curtis happy. It could only be one reality, Keith didn't care.

But he wished it could have been this one.

Keith started up his motercycle and put on his helmet and quickly speed off.

Lance watched Keith walk away. He didn't know why Keith was acting all Emo. He slowly opened the box and removed the ribbon and wrapping. Inside was a tiny box. He opened the lid off and inside was a simple silver ring.

"Weird...." Lance took it out of the box. He had never seen a silver ring so pure and polished. He was happy his contributions helped someone out.

Keith removed his tears from his face as he speed down the highway. It hurt to leave Lance like that, it hurt to say goodbye, but he had to do this. He couldn't keep hurting himself more by pretending.

So both boys pondered about the other until the reception.

Next, guys. I just wrote the final chapter.

I am crying that this is coming to an end. But I love this book and how it has turned out, we are almost to 10k views! Thank you all so so much for reading this and being the amazing readers you are.

One final time, share this book around, so others can enjoy it as you have.


Guys I want to talk theories.
Has anyone heard of the copy and paste theory? Please comment if you have or haven't and if you want to discuss with me! I was recently introduced to it and it makes like 100% sense. Like I can see how season 8 was good as made sense because of this theory.

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