Turning Dark

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Right now I am writing the final chapters. I am so so sad this is coming to an end. But can I tell you guys a teaser.

Jatie freaking cute


Keith rang the doorbell to Lance's house. He hadn't been back since the whole sleepover embarrassment two months ago. "I need help." He said when Lance answers the door.

"What is it? Something must really be bothering you if your coming to me." Lance said.

"I need you to force me to go shopping for a tux." Keith said.

"What?" Lance questioned.

"I know myself! I know I won't go get a tux if I go on my own. I know I will just go to the knife store." He told him. "So I need you to force me to get a tux for Shiro's wedding."

Lance smiled. "Well you came to the right place, I'll grab my stuff and we can take my car." He said. "Don't worry Keith. We shall get you that Tux."

"Thanks Lance." Keith smiled.


They drove to the mall. And Lance picked out a few he thought Keith would look nice in, and Keith went to try them on.

"So why don't you just wear your old tux?" Lance asked Keith.

"Well cause I grew when I was with my mom for those two years." Keith told Lance. "It doesn't fit anymore."

"Really? You grew thy much shorty?" Lance teased.

"I was taller then you." Keith said. "For a moment."

"Yeah, then I totally passed you." Lance chuckled. "What was it like there?"

"On the whale? It was nice. Except at random times my mom and I would see glimpses of the past and the future."

"You saw the future?" Lance questioned.

"Yeah. Parts." Keith said as he came out with another one on. "How is this one?"

"Eh." Lance said. "I think that striking black one would be best."

"Okay, well it's the last one so it better be." Keith said as he tried on that one.

"Yes!" Lance said. "Let's have them fit you to it. It doesn't quite fit your waist. But.... umm.. can I ask if you saw anything?"

"In the future?" Keith asked. "Nothing concerning you. I saw Axca in the Atlas with us, that's how I knew we could trust her. I saw Pidge with her family, that's how I knew we would make it home. And..."

"And?" Lance raised an eyebrow.

"I saw Allura's death." Keith said.

Lance was silent.

"Lance I—" Keith tried to speak up.

"You knew." Lance said. "You freaking knew and you didn't say a word?"

"Lance it's not like I had a choice—"

"You knew! You could of said something!" Lance snapped. "We could have done something about it... she could have stayed alive!"

"Lance we cant just mess with it. She had to die. She was going to die either way!" Keith snapped back.

"There has got to be a way. I've been doing some research."


"Keith shut up for two seconds why don't you?" Lance yelled at him. "I have done research, research on how to bring Allura back."

"That's a bad idea." Keith said.

"If Hanorva can do it then I can too." Lance said.

"No Lance." Keith snapped.

"Shut your quiznack Keith." Lance snapped back. "Why does everyone else get a happy ending but me. Pidge got James, Hunk got Shay, Shiro got Curtis, even Veronica got Axca!" He started to cry a bit. "Why is it so unfair that they all get love and I don't!"

Keith was getting very angry about all this. "Lance you can't mess with reality like this. I won't allow it. I won't stand by and watch the person I care about more then anything else destroy himself over a stupid girl!"

"Allura is not a stupid girl, don't you dare speak of her that way." Lance said.

"It's been years Lance. YEARS!" Keith yelled. "You need to move on!"

"I can't move on." Lance said. "Why are you even here Keith? Why did you even bother coming back from the blades? You are better off with your own kind."

"My own kind?" Keith gasped. "Why is that suppose to mean?"

"Why didn't you just stay away? I hear about the Galra choosing you to be their leader. Why didn't you accept it?"

Keith was silent for a moment, he had no answer that he could tell Lance.

"You ran away from the team." Lance said. "It damaged everything when you left."

"I left because..." Keith struggles to say the words. "I left because I was in love."

"You don't know Love Keith." Lance snapped.

"I do." Keith said. "But they didn't love me back. So I left, so they could be happy. Love is caring about someone beyond all rationality and wanting them to be happy and have everything they want no matter how much it destroys you. It's love that never stops, mo matter how much you want it to, no matter how much you tell yourself to give up and stop. And if I could just take the whole world's advice and just move on and find someone else... if I could just stop loving... then it wouldn't be love."

Lance just stared at him as Keith panted softly after bursting that all out. "Exactly." Lance said. "I can't move on from Allura, that's why it's love."

"I can't..." Keith whispered and took off the suit, he had his clothes on under it. "I need to go." He said and quickly left the mall.

He walked back to his ship and flew off.

He didn't want to see Lance anymore.

He wanted to forget about Lance.

But he couldn't.

Cause if he could just forget...

Then it wouldn't be love.

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