Hey good lookin'

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"Enjoy the dance?" Keith asked Axca when she came back to the ship.

Keith was sitting there all cuddled up in Lance's old jacket, he was a slight blush to his face cause he may or may not of been smelling it before Axca came in.

"Yes I had a lovely time." Axca said. "Guessing you enjoyed your boyfriend." She teased.

"He isn't my boyfriend." Keith snapped. "Don't ever repeat that."

"Why?" Axca said. "Cause it keeps reminding you that he actually doesn't love you the way you love him? Face it Keith. He won't ever love you that way."

"You don't know that Axca." Keith snapped.

"So you can Keith keep bringing him gifts and pretending, or you can face the facts and learn to move on." Axca told him.

"Just get in the back. We need to get back to the base." Keith snapped as he started up the lion.

"There's no point in being hung up on someone who will never love you Keith." Axca said as she looked at him.

"Well maybe I just want something that all of you have. You all have someone to love and cherish... someone to hold close to your heart that gives you a reason to even exist! Shiro has Curtis, you have Veronica... I have nobody. I have never had anybody and the one time I felt close to that... Lance didn't even remember it." Keith said. "Just, I don't want to talk about it anymore Axca!" He snapped and quickly took off.


Shiro had planned the best date for him and Curtis this weekend. He had been preparing for this for over a month, and he was so excited to show Curtis his favorite childhood vacation spot.

"What are we doing here Shiro?" Curtis asked as he reached for his hand, linking their dinners together before going full hand holding.

"It's a surprise dear, but you will love it." Shiro said with a smile as he looked over at him. "We will be staying in a cabin for today and tomorrow. Tomorrow the rest of the Paladins are coming up for a vacation. It will be fun, but tonight, it's just the two of us."

"Wow, Shiro, I'm surprise you were able to coordinate all this with your busy schedule." Curtis said as he grabbed one of their bags to help carry them in.

"Hey I'm not too busy to not spend some time with you." Shiro smiled and they went into the small cabin.

The place was nice and cozy, having a fireplace which made the room warm, one bedroom, one bathroom, a small kitchen and a big living space complete with a ping pong table.

"Wow. This is real nice." Curtis smiles as he put down their bags.

"Yep, best one out there, just for us." Shiro smiled. "No cadets bothering us, no missions, no wars, nothing but us."

"Awww, I love you." Curtis sighed and leaned over to steal a kiss from Shiro.

"I love you too." Shiro smiled back and put his forehead against his. "It's getting late, let's eat something and then I'll show you my surprise."

"Ooo a surprise." Curtis smirked. "I wonder what it could be?"

"You will have to wait and see." Shiro said as he got out the food from the cooler they brought. "Now come make us some food."

"I thought this was my vacation." Curtis teased as he leaned over the counter.

"Do you really want me cooking?" Shiro raised an eyebrow.

"Nope! Never mind. Move out of the kitchen." Curtis went around the counter and grabbed Shiro by the waist to move him out. "Sit on the bench and just look handsome." He kissed his cheek before going back behind the counter to start making them some food.

"Sure you don't want me to help?" Shiro questioned.

"Positive." Curtis looked up, and both boys chuckled.


"Where are you taking me?" Curtis questioned as the two wandered down a path towards the mountain.

"You shall See." Shiro said, he was holding Curtis's hand and a small bag that bounced against his back as they walked.

"What's in the bag?" Curtis asked.

"You shall see." Shiro laughed. "Patience!"

Curtis chuckled. The two arrived at the spot after a few more minutes of walking. On the side of the mountain was a door, Shiro opened it and pulled him and Curtis inside. They walked down a hallway cut out through the rocks until they reached some stalls.

"Get dressed." Shiro pulled some clothes out of the bag and handed them to Curtis.

"What's this?" Curtis looked at it. "A swimsuit?"

"Get dressed." Shiro laughed, teasing him before going into his own stall to change.

Curtis smiled to himself before going into the stall next door and changing quickly into the shorts. He came out and put his clothes in the empty bag. Shiro came out too, wearing the same shorts Curtis had on, he put his clothes in the bag too.

Curtis smirked as he watched Shiro bend over. "Nice shorts, we are matching."

"What really? Didn't notice." Shiro laughed as he hung the bag up on a hanger. "Come on." He grabbed his hand and pulled him further into the Cave.

They reached the end where the cave opened up and there was a giant hot spring. Steam rose from the spring and out the top of the cave, where there was a hole for light to come in.

"Wow..." Curtis looked around.

"Let's get in. The water is 90 degrees." Shiro told him.

"Ooo, almost as hot as you." Curtis pulled their hands up and kissed Shiro's knuckles.

Shiro blushed softly. "Well then the water should be cold to you too hotstuff." He pulled him over to the ladder and they climbed into the nice warm spring.

The two floated by each other, hands together, linked almost as one as they relaxed in the warm pool. They looked up at the stars through the hole in the top for a while.

Curtis day up in the water, Shiro did the same and they looked at one another, staring into each others eyes for a moment before Shiro leaned in to start the kiss.

"How many kisses do I get for my birthday?" Shiro whispered to Curtis.

"As many as you want." Curtis smiles and completed the kiss.

And it was that birthday kiss took up the remainder of their time slot in the hot spring.

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