Truth or Dare

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First of all, can we just appreciate these stats?? Thanks guys for sharing this story around Wattpad!!

First of all, can we just appreciate these stats?? Thanks guys for sharing this story around Wattpad!!

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BTW, this chapter had BONUS material at the end of it 😉

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BTW, this chapter had BONUS material at the end of it 😉


"Dare!" James said.

"I dare you to take a swig of vanilla." Nati said.

"Oooo!!" Pidge laughed. James huffed, rolling his eyes as he walked over to the kitchen. He grabbed the bottle down.

"I hate you all... this game is stupid." James said as he quickly took a swig. He couldn't take it and had to spit it out and wash his mouth out.

"Okay. Umm... Hunk, truth or dare." James said.

"Truth." Hunk said.

"Okay..." James thought. "So... hypothetically, if you could date any guy in the room, who would it be and why?"

Lance laughed. "Ha! That's a hard one Hunk."

"Well, no offense to anyone." Hunk said. "But probably Keith, but only if he liked me back. Cause I know that if he loves me back."

"Aww thanks Hunk." Keith said. "And honestly, your not my type. So stick with Shay."

Everyone laughed.

"Okay. Pidge, Truth or dare?" Hunk said.

"Dare, duh." Pidge said.

"I dare you to make James feel as awkward as possible for the next three rounds." Hunk said.

"On it." Pidge smirked and sat in Jame's lap, dramatically putting her arm around his neck. "In the meantime..." she whispered against his neck. "Lance, truth or dare."

"Dare." Lance said. "I ain't afraid of nothing."

"I dare you..." Pidge smirked. "To play the nervous game with Keith."

"WHAT!" Keith said in shock.

"Relax mullet, it's just a game." Lance said like it was nothing.

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