Yes, my lord

297 10 23

✨😉✨ your welcome.

Also, predictions:

Who is Lance in this?

Who is Keith?

Also what is this AU even about??

Any other predictions here!


In dark moments in one's life one can call upon the evil forces of the world.

This moment happened years ago for Keith. His father had died and he was all alone in the world with nobody to care for him. That was until he came.

The sexy demon with the Spanish accent that convinced him to sign a contract. A contract that would make Keith his after he fulfilled his revenge against those who had wronged him and taken his father from him. Doing that, that was worth having his soul devoured by a demon.

Keith had created a contract mark on both of his hands, and now wears fingerless gloves to cover them up. Meanwhile the demon kept his mark hidden behind gloves.

But tonight was quite different. It was the night of a ball. Where Keith's betrothed would be attending along with the most important people at the garrison. He could not screw this up. This was where having a butler came in handy.

"Now now." Lance said as he entered the room and opened the curtains to wake up the sleeping Keith. "We have a lot of work to get your ugly mullet presentable for tonight's occasion."

Keith groaned as he laid there, not wanting to get up out of bed, or go to the party.

"Now don't be like that young master. Here," he said as he poured him a drink. "Your coffee for the morning, two creams, one sugar, black. Just as you like it." He said as he handed the young master his cup.

Keith took it and drank the warm liquid that brought life to his body. "What exactly has to be done today?"

"Well for starters we got to fix that awful hair of yours." Lance said, "then get an outfit, make sure you know how to dance so when you are with the lady Axca you don't embarrass yourself."

"Unnecessary, I don't dance." Keith snapped.

"But it would be most awful for you not to dance my lord." Lance said. "The lady Axca loves to dance, and imagine what the lord James, or lord Shiro would talk about if their fellow lord were to not dance with his lady."

"Ugh... Fine." Keith groaned. "But you better make it quick."

He sat up so lance could begin to dress him for the day. Lance took great care as he dressed his master, making sure all the buttons and laces were just right. His eyes glanced over his smooth milk white skin. Oh how he longed to make a feast out of him. One hell of a feast. But that would have to wait, his soul was not yet filled with the sweet taste of revenge.


"Are all the preparations in check?" Keith asked as he walked in front of his demon.

"Yes my lord." Lance said as he followed. "Your outfit is being cleaned, your shoes polished, and the carriage is being drawn. The only thing left is dancing. Unfortunately though, your dance teacher had to cancel for today."

"Ugh." Keith groaned. "So what does that mean?"

"It means... I have no choice but to make sure you are in top condition to please the lady Axca tonight."

"Meaning?" Keith stoped when they entered the ballroom.

"I will be your teacher." Lance said, putting his hand on his shoulder and his other hand in his. He placed his own hand on Keith's back and in Keith's other hand.

"What! Why am I the girl!" Keith snapped.

"Why it only makes sense with height differences." Lance said. "Now, left right, back—repeat." He muttered as he danced with Keith.

"This is madness." Keith snapped as he danced, stepping all over Lance's feet.

"Why the lady Axca would be most upset with that." Lance teased.

"Shut up." Keith snapped

"Yes my lord." Lance smiled and shut up. Yes this boy's soul would make a magnificent feast.

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