Monsters and Mana 2 pt 5

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Shields up!!" Shiro ordered. Everyone crossed their arms and holographic shields appeared in front of them to block their bodies.

"Wait? Shields?" Keith said in shock, his character did NOT have that.

The dragon then roared out a large flame, heading right towards them. That was the last things Keith saw.

The next thing Keith felt was heat, heat all around him, but not touching him. He opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was blue. Dark blue circles, like a calming ocean.

"Don't worry, I got you buddy." Lance said. Those were Lance's eyes right in front of him.

Lance has grabbed Keith and pushed his back against his shield to protect him. Lance has both arms on either side of Keith, they were very close too, so Lance could protect himself from the fire. Their chests touched with each deep breath they took together.

"Lance, you saved me." Keith said.

"Well the first quest was find and protect the princess." Lance pointed out. "Can't let you die and ruin the game." He laughed and tapped Keith's nose. "Now let's go kick some dragon butt!"

"Yes." Keith smiled and took out the knife James gave him. He quickly cut dress, making it so it only reached his knees, which was a much easier dress to move around in.

Lance lowered his shield and the two went charging at the dragon, yelling their war cry.

"Vol—!!" Lance yelled.

"Voltron!" Keith replied as they separated, confusing the dragon. Keith ran to one side and Lance ran to the other.

Everyone charged at the dragon, poking it in the belly, throwing rocks, and screaming insults. Which gave Keith just the time to climb some rocks. He climbed to the top, Lance was doing the same on his side.

The boys jumped in unison onto the back of the dragon, Keith dug his knife into the neck. The dragon roared in pain before falling to the ground.

"Wow..." Lance said as he looked at Keith. "Didn't know a princess could fight."

"Believe me, I'm not just a Princess." Keith said.

"Ah sure your not mullet." Lance chuckled. "We made a good team back there."

"Yeah, we worked amazing together." Keith said. "The perfect match."

"Guys! The treasure!" Pidge came out of the cave. "There is so much."

Everyone ran into the cave, looking over the piles upon piles of treasure. The gold was stacked from the floor to the ceiling.

"We are rich!" Lance ran around the room touching all the coins and watching them go into his inventory.

"Is that the game?" Keith asked Shiro.

"Yep that's the game." Shiro said.

"Sweet! Finally." Keith grabbed his piece off the board. "This character is awful."

Lance laughed. "Yeah he really was." He held out his hand, "here I'll clean up."

Keith put the piece in Lance's hand before heading to the kitchen to grab a drink of water before bed.

Lance started to clean up, but he sneakily slid Keith's and his own character into his pocket, where Allura's currently was.

Keith has gotten his water. He felt a nudge on his butt. "Hey!" He snapped and turned around, thinking someone was messing with him. But it was in fact Cosmo. "Cosmo!" He smiled and hugged his friend. "Here boy, have some water." He poured some into a bowl. He Petted Cosmo as he drank from the bowl.

"Come meet me on the couch when you are done." Keith said as he went back to the front room.

Pidge, James, Hunk, Shay, And Romella has all left to go find some beds to sleep in. Lance has gone to the bathroom to do his skin care routine.

"You Alright?" Shiro asked Keith.

"Yeah I'm fine. You off to bed?" Keith asked.

"Yeah, Curtis and I have a waterbed." He chuckled. "We will see how I like sleeping in that."

"I bet you will sink right down to the bottom." Keith teased. "I might watch a show or something, I'm not too tired."

"Okay, goodnight Keith." Shiro said before heading off to his room with Curtis.

Keith sighed as he sat on the couch and turned on a show. Shortly after Cosmo appeared by him. Keith tried to stay awake, but he felt himself quickly drift off and fall fast asleep on the couch with Cosmo.

Lance walked out of the bathroom and saw the TV was on. He walked over to turn it off when he noticed Keith. He turned off the show. "Man you look cold..." he whispered to himself. Cosmo was still awake. "Is it cold to you too Cosmo?" He asked the dog.

Cosmo said nothing and laid his head back down.

Lance looked at Keith. "He gots to be cold..." he said, he went over to the front door and grabbed his blue jacket. He walked back over to Keith and put it over him. "There, That should be better." He said before going back to his room without another second thought.

Cosmo watched the whole interaction.


Hey guys!! This is the end of Monsters and Mana 2! I hoped you all enjoyed it so much! Cause I really did.

Anyways, stuff I got coming up!!
🌟Red stuff
a Date between two characters who are a thing but haven't been featured much here. (Got any ideas on who it is?)
🌟clear day! Clear day!
Shiro and Curtis stuff (duh think you can guess what it is?)
🌟James And Keith Stuff
pool stuff

Hope you guys are excited!! I'm looking forward to it all!

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