A little suprise for yall

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Try and guess what I am watching currently based on what this story is about. Okay?

Set your guess here!

Also, I just noticed that back when I wrote this book I was at 5K views and so excited to get to be the number one Klance spot on Wattpad. Now I am at 50k views and looking back I never thought I would ever get this far!

Thank you all so much for supporting me! Share with your friends and I hope you really enjoy this chapter! Cause let me tell ya....

Lance didn't change a bit when I was doing this AU
Like if you get my joke lol

Also please tell me if you like this chapter!






Long ago the four nations lived together in harmony. But everything changed when the fire nation attacked. Only the avatar master of all four elements could stop them, but when the world needed him most he vanished—
But that's all ancient history!!

Haha! Really got you there didn't I?

The name is Lance, but my friends call me the tailor! And I'm from the southern water tribe! I'm a master water bender and a total warrior man of my tribe.

"What the heck are you writing?" A voice behind Lance said. Lance turned around the see Pidge, an air bender from the eastern air temple and master builder of many strange devices that Lance didn't understand at all!

"Hey! Why are you snooping in my diary!" Lance quickly closed the book and held it to his chest.

"Well if you didn't want people reading it you shouldn't be talking out loud." Pidge chuckled. "Come on, you should come out and at least watch the rest of us practice our bending. Even if you can't." She teased.

"I can SO water bend if I want to!" Lance said. "Just... never wanted to do weird freak bending stuff ever."

"Sure." Pidge said. "You know the avatar is going to be here soon."

"Okay okay! Guess he is probably here for his training or whatever with you guys!" He said in a whiny tone as he tucked his diary under his pillow.

Yes it was true he wasn't a bender. He didn't feel too terrible about being the only one who couldn't bend in the group. Cause he had personality! And that's all that matters! Right?

Lance walked outside to be greeted by a familiar sight.

Allura swirled some water over her head before forming them into some tentacles and whipping them at Shiro.

Allura was a water bender from the northern water tribe. She was a real good master of water bending and really gave the team something to fight with.

Shiro mind bended the metal from a nearby fence to block the water before diving out of the way.

Shiro was different, he was a metal bender instead of an earth bender, it was harder to bend metal to his liking but he always found a way and was determined to help everyone.

Then there was Hunk, who was from an earth kingdom in the east. He stomped the ground before shooting a rock at Shiro. Seems like everyone was picking on Shiro today huh?

Pidge ran over the join the fight, using her air bending skills to shoot the water Allura was using away before grabbing a staff to join in the training.

"See your finally out of your room." A familiar voice said behind Lance.

"Keith!" Lance stood up and hugged him.

"Lance!" Keith chuckled and hugged him back before pulling away and into a kiss on his lips. "How's my favorite warrior?"

"How's my favorite fire bender?" Lance asked. "Oh! I mean.... good." He chuckled awkwardly.

"You know I don't love fire bending much." Keith said as he put his arms on his shoulders. "It always hurts people."

"Well today the avatar is coming to learn fire bending from you." Lance pointed out.

"I've blown him off four times already...." Keith looked down. "I'm just so nervous. What if I am not a good teacher?"

"Keith. You have control over your fire." Lance said.

Keith looked down at a scar on Lance's arm. He had put that there. Many many years ago. He still hadn't ever forgiven himself. "I hope so." Keith said

"Now to get em tiger." Lance said. "Go get warmed up, and kick all their butts for me will ya."

Keith smiled. "Will do." He said before kissing Lance one more time and rushing off to go and join in the soaring.

Keith didn't use his fire much, but his martial art skills took everyone out and he was left standing as the champion.

"Yes yes yes! That's my fire baby!" Lance cheered for him.

Keith smiled before looking over to lance and then freezing.

"I'm impressed Keith." A voice behind Lance said. Another familiar voice. The avatar voice.

Lance turned around to see the avatar behind him. A northern water tribe born warrior. The bridge between this world and the spirit world.


"I still don't know why you won't teach me Keith." Coran said as he walked down the stairs to Keith.

"I'm... i am scared. I don't think I'm worthy to be the avatar's  teacher." Keith said to him as he took one knee to bow and respect him.

"Keith. You are a master fire bender." Coran said. "Please. I need to master fire. Will you teach me?"

Keith looked up at Lance.

Lance nodded. "You got this baby."

Keith nodded. "I'll teach you all the fire bending i know."

And that was my day.
It might not be a lot
But I have a family that loves me
Friends who will fight by my side
And an amazing cute hothead boyfriend

What more could I want in life?
Sure being able to water bend would be nice, but I don't need that.

Cause I have my friends

Lance out!

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