Valentines Day One-Shot

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Hey so I decided if I do do one shots they will be little chapters at the end of this one. Is that cool? Spread the word!


It was Thursday. Just a Thursday. Nothing special. Just Thursday.

Keith was getting back from his humanitarian trip with Lance, they walked side by side out of the ship back to Lance's house, their hands in each other's, both of them having a goofy grin on their faces they couldn't hide.

"I'm going to go shower real quick." Keith said once they got inside.

"Yeah will ya." Lance teased. "You stink."

"Well then I will use your shampoo." Keith said as he ran off to the bathroom.

Lance gasped and ran after him. "Don't you dare!"

"Can't stop me now!" Keith laughed as he closed and locked the door. He wouldn't use Lance's shampoo, it smelled too strong to him, and it was Lance's scent. He loved the smell the strawberries in his hair when they cuddled each night.

He got in the shower and rinsed himself off, using his own soap, shampoo and conditioner. He scrubbed his face as the enjoyed the nice warm steam.

"Babe..." Lance whined outside the door, he was like a lovesick puppy when they were separated. "Your taking SO long."

"I'm coming!" Keith said with a chuckle as he turned off the water. He dried off his hair and body before wrapping a towel around his waist and walking out, where he was right away engulfed into a hug by Lance.

"I missed you." Lance said. "What should we do tonight?"

"I don't know." Keith shrugged. "I want to get dressed first."

"Nothing planned?" Lance asked.


"You sure?" Lance questioned, what did he want? It wasn't his birthday, no anniversaries... maybe he was just bored.

"Yeah." Keith said. "Can I have one of your shirts?"

"Go for it, oh wear my blue and white one." Lance said. "It looks good on you."

"Only if you wear my black one." Keith chuckled.

"That one is like a crop top on me." Lance said. "You are so small."

"Hey I thought I was cute." Keith said.

"You are." Lance smiles.

Keith went into Lance's room and put on his shirt, smelling it, it smelt just like Lance, he loved it. He put on some of his black pants with it before heading back out to the living room. Lance was sitting on the couch on his phone.

Keith smirked and got an idea, he walked right up and sat on Lance's lap, facing him.

"Can you teach me how to kiss?" Keith asked Lance.

"Oh..." Lance said. "Like right now?"

"Yeah..." Keith said with a blush. He remembered the last time him and Lance tried to make out. It was beyond awful. It was Keith's first make out, and he was a bit bold and tried to do tongue... he may of picked Lance's cheek in a weird awkward way that ended the kiss faster then it had begun.

"Oh okay... well it's easy... here.. umm." Lance cupped Keith's cheek in his hand. "You just gotta find the right place, it's gentle, smooth and loving." He slowly leaned down and kissed Keith on the lips. He was slow, it was relaxing and nice. He pulled away and looked at Keith with a smile. "And that's it."

"What about tongue?" Keith asked. "Aren't you into that?"

"Umm not really." Lance said honestly. "I prefer it more slow, and more lips then tongue and teeth. But if you want we could try tongue?"

Keith blushed. "It's fine..."

Lance smiled and went in to Kiss Keith again. "I know. It's alright Keith."

"I'm sorry I'm a lousy boyfriend who can't even kiss right." Keith said to Lance.

"You are no lousy Keith Krogane." Lance said. "Don't you ever say that. Besides, you got be the best gift in the world for Valentine's Day."

"I did? Wait... it's Valentine's Day?" Keith's eyes widened with shock that he had forgotten.

Lance chuckled. "Si." He brushed Keith's long bangs out of his face.

"I didn't get you anything though." Keith said and hurried his face in Lance's shoulder. "I'm sorry... I really suck."

"No you don't." Lance whispered in his ear. "You got me the privilege of having you. That's the best gift a guy could ask for."

Keith looked up at Lance. "Really? You weren't expecting flowers or anything?"

"Nothing." Lance said and he wiped away a stray tear from Keith's cheek before kissing him on his forehead. "I just want to be alone with you this Valentine's Day."

Keith smiled and gazed into Lance's eyes. "Let's order a pizza then, and we can cuddle all night."

"Oh I am a sucker for cuddling." Lance said, picking up his phone. He ordered a heart shaped pizza that would be there shortly. He put his hands on Keith's hips and pulled his boyfriend close to him.

"I love you." Keith said. "Oh wait!" He got up and ran over to his bag. "I forgot I did get you a present."

"More? I feel like you have gotten me the whole universe." Lance smiled.

Keith pulled out a small bag of chocolates, he walked back over and handed them to Lance. "They are real good, there was some samples... I tried one, and they have caramel in them."

"Ooo." Lance smiled as he opened one and plopped it into his mouth. "Yes! These are good."

Keith smiled, happy Lance enjoyed them, and sat down beside him, leaning on his shoulder. Lance put another in his mouth and leaned down to kiss Keith to share the chocolate.

Soon both boys had chocolate all over their lips and in their mouth, the only interruption was when their pizza arrived.

Lance quickly got up and ran to get it before quickly returning to his love.

The two shared the pizza together. Lance dipped his in ranch like a weirdo, while Keith teased him about it. They are the whole thing.

Keith got tired and fell asleep against Lance's chest. Lance smiled as he held the small boy he loved so much. He laid them both down and hurried his face in the back of Keith's neck as he held his arms around him.

"Oh good... you didn't use my shampoo." He smiled before falling asleep with his love in his arms.

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