The Future

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1 more chapters left after this one

I am going to miss you guys! And your comments and the feels!

Thought I could do some after match thing. This takes place over like the next 10-15 years. So enjoy seeing how the future turns out.


Lance learned to stay true to himself.

He now teaches flight instruction classes at the garrison every Tuesday.

From Wednesday to Friday he joins Keith and travels the universe with his humanitarian aid group. Lance continues to spread Allura's message throughout the galaxy.

Then on the weekends the two boys head back to Lance's farm, and spend time together, relaxing from the worried of the world.

Lance surrounds himself with the things he loves.

Lance surrounds himself with the things he loves

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Keith surrounds himself with Lance.

He still finds presents for Lance and presents then to him at the end of the week when they go home.

Around weekends he tried to make plans for the two of them to hang out with the other Paladins so they can stay close.

Keith doesn't quite know what the future holds for him, but he knows it will be alright as long as Lance is in it.


Katie Holt caught the bouquet at Shiro's wedding. She and Matt continue to raise the newest generation of Legendary defenders.

Eight months later, much to Katie's surprise. James gave her his jacket and took her on the best date ever. They went to a rollercoaster park.

James bought a tour for her so she could see how the machines work, and she loved to ride every single one.

Finally, they rode the Ferris wheel together.

The ride stopped at the top.

That was where James proposed to the beautiful smart girl he had fallen for.

James always jokes that the only dumb thing Pidge has ever done was marry him. Pidge jokes that the smartest thing James did was marry her.

They were married five months later. Pidge made her own dress which transformed from a long dress to a short one with shorts under it. She also made Jame's ring out of some metal from his ship.

They now, two years later, have a little boy and a pet dog. They are happy.


Hunk and Shay, to nobody's surprise, got married a couple months after Shiro did.

They now happily opened up a 5 star restaurant on earth, teaching their five Crazy children how to cook and bake.


Zethrid and Ezor, happily, lead the humanitarian aid group while Keith is always with Lance.

They love to travel the galaxy together and take pictures kissing under the many sunsets.

Axca decided to retire from the space missions and stay with Veronica on earth.

Veronica and Axca started a lovely family together, they adopted a little girl, who attend's the Holt Legendary Defender academy. She is currently ranked first in her class.

Veronica and Axca are both proud of her.

But most of all, they are happy together

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But most of all, they are happy together.


Coran and Romella have rebuilt the United Altea. They are now exploring the galaxy to find every lost Altean from the colony.

They have been successful in bringing them all together and spreading Princess Allura's message to her subjects.


After Krolivard and Krolia realized how much they meant to each other, they decided to fill the gap in their lives. They have become the closest friends

They still love their late lovers, but they fill the hole for each other until they can be reunited with their first choices.

They lead the Galra together and bring peace to the galaxy side by side.


Matt married his girlfriend and they help bring up the new generation of legendary defenders with Pidge.

He currently works with his father in building ships that can wormhole through the universe.

Kinkade and Nati have become the world's more famous internet bloggers. They have everyone on earth watching them for the inside scope on what's happening at the Garrison and in the Atlas.

They have won the cutest couple award multiple times on the Internet.

They are happy together.


Adam has moved on himself. He found a cute husband and they were married 10 years later. It was then that Shiro found out he was alive. It was a shocking moment, but the two have still remained close friends and often go out on double dates as couples

Shiro and Curtis have both retired, wanting to be done with the war. They moved into a new house they built together to enjoy their lives.

They adopted a little girl, who is crazy spoiled, and from Shiro's hometown in Japan.


And Finally, Allura And Lotor Are still happy together, growing old together.

All are happy.

As everyone should be.

I'm ALL realities

The End

It's been an honor flying with you guys

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