This Christmas

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"Hey! Stop that!" Keith laughed and Lance tackled him to the ground.

"I want to try my new curlers on your mullet! Get back here!" Lance said as he tried to pin Keith down to do his hair.

"No I'm not a girl." Keith laughed as he tried to wiggle out from under Lance.

"They are blue! And not just for girls." Lance said as he almost got one completely in Keith's hair.

"I'm going to cut you with my new machete if you put another one of those in my hair." Keith threatened.

"Alright! Alright!" Lance got off of him. "But I like this one I got in." He smirked and flicked the one curler that was hanging by the edge of Keith's hair. Keith laughed as lance did that.

"Hey, you two done being stupid?" Shiro asked as he came out from the kitchen. "We are decorating cookies."

Shiro had on his Christmas outfit, a white and red ugly Christmas sweater with some black PJ pants that were way too tight on him, but nobody cared.

Keith and Lance were also in PJ's, well in fact everyone was.

Keith was wearing some red and black flannel pants and a dark grey shirt. He also had on some reindeer ears that Pidge had put on his head without him noticing.

Lance was wearing all blue and gold PJ's, and of course he had a Santa hat on. He wore it cause he knew Keith hated when Lance wore colors that didn't match.

Keith stares at Shiro's too tight pants as he went back into the kitchen.

"I think Pidge bought the wrong size..." Keith whispered to lance.

"Nah, it's fine." Lance said, also looking at Shiro's butt as he walked off. "She did a favor to society."

"More like a favor to Curtis." Keith snickered.

"Please, your just jealous she didn't get me those pants." Lance laughed.

"Lance you don't have a butt for pants to be tight with." Keith teased. "Your a twig babe."

"Am not!" Lance gasped as he stood up. "Your a twig."

"Got more of a butt then you do." Keith teased more, standing up me poked Lance. "Tag... your it." He laughed before running to the kitchen.

"Wait! That's not fair!" Lance hurried after him.

In the kitchen everyone was decorating cookies. Pidge was there in her green footie PJ's.

Hunk was wearing some gray bottoms and a yellow shirt. Shay was also there, making cookies in the oven, wearing Yellow and Black bottoms and a black shirt.

Curtis was in the same PJ's as Shiro except his actually fit him right.

"Well look who decided to join the party?" James teased to the two love birds as he decorated a tree cookie. He was wearing some dark green bottoms and a light gray top, the same colors as Pidge.

Pretty much the whole gang was there.

"Well I had to give this mullet a hair do." Lance said

"Looks great?" Pidge laughed at the one curler in Keith's hair.

"I refuse to wear girl things." Keith said as he grabbed a cookie and some red frosting and began to decorate the snowman.

"Keith that's red." Lance said.

"I know." Keith said

"It's a snowman." Lance told him

"I know." Keith said again as he made the entire thing red and added a face of black sprinkles

"Why is it red?" Lance asked.

"Cause it was murdered." Keith said as he stabbed a toothpick into it.

"Well that's the holly jolly spirit." Curtis laughed.

"Did everyone like their presents?" Shiro asked. Everyone nodded.

"Well of course Keith did!" Lance said. "You got him a knife! The guy only like like 5 things; knives, space wolves, mullets, and ice cream."

"I'm lactose intolerant, so no.... and that's only four things." Keith said.

"Fine.... ummm...." lance thought

"You can't think of five things your fiancé likes?" Pidge snickered

"I am thinking! Oh, you like piloting." Lance said

"Very good." Keith chuckled.

"Oh and you like me." Lance flashed a smile and some finger guns at Keith.

Keith laughed and covered his hand over his blushing face.

"Oh and the color red!" Lance said. "I am on a role."

"Awww it's like true love." Shay smiled. "Cookie?" She asked Lance

"Yes." Lance took the snowflake from her and began to decorate it all red and blue.

"This is really great guys." Pidge said with a smile as she leaned against Jame's shoulder. "We should try to get together again on New Years. But before that. I have an announcement to make."

"Well we have an announcement." James said with a smile.

"No I do. You helped for like two minutes." Pidge snapped at James.

"Sorry! Guess you have an announcement." James corrected.

"Thank you." Pidge said as she turned to everyone. "Guys.... I am pregnant."

"What!" Lance gasped.

"Congrats." Shiro said.

"Boy or girl?" Hunk questioned

"We don't know." James said

"Yeah we decided to keep it a surprise." Pidge said. "But if it's a girl, we decided to name her Kaylee, and if it's a boy, we decided on Jay."

"Jay is short for James." James told them

"And Kaylee is like Katie." Pidge smiles. "And I just love it when James calls me Katie."

"Awww.... how sweet." Curtis smiled. "Why don't you do anything cute like that for me anymore?" He looked over to Shiro.

"Eh. We are already married. What more do you want from me?" Shiro laughed.

"Wait wait wait! Hold the phone!" Lance said. "Your pregnant!"

"Yes lance." Pidge said

"Like right now. With a human baby?"

"Yes lance." Pidge laughed

"Wow that's so cool." Lance said as he looked at her stomach. "I knew you were getting fatter!" Keith then hit him over the head.

"Owe! Hey! What was that for?" Lance questioned.

"That was mean." Keith said.

"And hitting me wasn't?" Lance rubbed his head.

"Nah. I am your fiancé." Keith flashed his ring. "I am allowed to hit you whenever I want."

Everyone laughed.

"This Christmas has been amazing Shiro and Curtis. Thanks for hosting." Hunk said

"Yes thank you!" Everyone else said

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