Moving Forward

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Lance was sitting alone in the cafeteria, gazing out the window. He sighed and looked back down at the food Hunk had helped to prepare. No matter how hard he tries he could never bring himself to eat much. He pushed the plate away and took out his wallet, inside he kept the picture of him and Allura on their first date. He smiled as he looked down at it. Oh he missed her so much.

There was a buzz in his pocket, Lance took out his phone to check on it. It was some messages from Coran. He had sent him the plans for Allura's statue. Lance looked over it and smiled before replying: That's perfect. I love it, it perfectly represents her.

"Hey Lance," Veronica came to sit by her brother. "You not eating?"

"Not really hungry." Lance said.

"Are you Okay?" Veronica asked.

"No. I feel so alone." Lance said. "I want to go home."

"Well Pidge has almost worked out the technology to wormhole us back, she just gots to figure out how to get the wormhole to open at Earth." Veronica said. "So that's at least good, we are almost home, and we can almost see our family."

"Yeah. Once we get home, I want to stay home." Lance said.

"What do you mean?" Veronica questioned.

"I am done being a Paladin." Lance said.

"No. Lance—"

"Every time I fly, every time I see the universe all I can think about is her. Then I hurt all over again." Lance explained. "Being a pilot was dream for such a long time, I wanted to be just like Shiro and travel the universe. I wanted to explore and discover, being the best that I can be. But I was never good in school, I always did horrible in all the simulations, I could never beat Keith. I don't think I'm cut out for this."

"Lance, you are the Paladin of the red lion, you have already shown you are the best pilot out there. You can't just give up your dream."

"I've been through a lot. Many wars, hardships, I died Veronica. I think I'm done. I want to go home and be with our family and live out the rest of my days there. Red will choose someone else. That's what is suppose to happen. Blue will choose someone else, so will red, and everything will be different. I will try and find happiness on Earth."

"Lance—" Veronica tried.

"No. Don't try and persuade me otherwise. I'm done. I've decided. I can't explore a universe that Allura isn't in." Lance stood up. "I'm going to go to my room. I need some rest."

Veronica watched her brother walk away. She sighed, she knew there was no convincing him to stay.

Lance looked down at the picture as he walked down the hall, till he hit someone. It was Shiro.

"Ahh! Shiro. Sorry." Lance said.

"It's alright Lance." Shiro said.

"You smell weird." Lance said, cringing a bit at the weird smell coming off of Shiro. "Are you wearing cologne?"

"Maybe..." Shiro said softly.

"You put on way too much." Lance said.

"I've never worn any before." Shiro said. "Until now... I might of went overboard."

"Ya think?" Lance laughed. "Why you wearing some anyways? You going to be with someone you like?"

"Maybe... was going to talk to someone..." Shiro said.

"Well let's get you showered, and you can use some of mine." Lance offered. "Quickly, let's go." He said as he opened the door to his room. "Bathroom is right there, I'll get the best cologne I have."

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