Lack of Sunblock

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This is a cute chapter. One of my personal favorites!! So enjoy!

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"Think we will get stuck in another elevator?" Lance teased as they walked along the cold stone pathway to the hot spring.

"Hopefully not, since there is no elevator." Keith said, opening the door to the spring.

"Oh yeah." Lance laughed as he walked in. "Ooo it's so warm in here."

"Yeah it is. We hardly got to enjoy the pool in the castle of lions." Keith said as he put his towel down on a rack and began to take off his shirt.

"Guess we didn't. Why didn't we ever have a party down there?" Lance questioned as he put down his stuff and took off his shirt.

"It's cause we could never figure out how to get into it." Keith said. "It was on the ceiling." He kept his eyes away from Lance for a moment as his brain processed what he might see.

"This should be exciting! Cause it's not on the ceiling." Lance said as he started to head to the spring, he stretched his arms as he walked.

Keith looked over and followed Lance, blushing softly as he saw his bare back. Keith grabbed his hair and pulled it all up out of his face into a high pony tail thing so it could mostly stay out of his sight.

"Wow Keith." Lance was looking over his shoulder. "Didn't know you had a forehead."

"Oh course I have a forehead!" Keith snapped as he finished tying up his hair. "Let's just get to the spring."

"Did you put on sunblock? Your face is already red." Lance noticed.

"Ummm no i forgot, but you know... pale skin and all." Keith shrugged as he walked beside Lance to the edge of the spring.

"Yeah, I don't have to worry about sunblock or getting burned. Well usually anyways!" Lance laughed as he sat down on the edge before jumping in.

Keith smiled softly. "Yeah, I bet everyone is jealous of your skin during the summertime." He sat down before jumping in after him.

"So what are your plans for the rest of the day?" Lance asked Keith as they swam around.

"Well I'll probably gather up the supplies your giving me and then get out of here." Keith said.

"Oh..." Lance said softly.

"Yeah I got a big mission." Keith said. "We have a lot of planets that need help on our list. It just sucks that I can't help them all right now. But slowly, I do my best."

"But... aren't they dangerous?" Lance said.

"Yeah sometimes." He said. "Usually the planet's are unstable, the people are untrusting and usually try and kill us the first time we come." He chuckled.

Lance didn't say anything.

"There was this one planet that shot these crazy deadly arrows at us. Axca got hit, but she is alright now." Keith kept going on and on about this. "And then there was this one guy who had this axe—"

"Just shut up Keith!!" Lance suddenly yelled at him.

Keith stopped. "What?" He was confused. "What's wrong Lance?"

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