Last christmas

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Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance
But you still catch my eye
Tell me, baby
Do you recognize me?
Well, it's been a year
It doesn't surprise me
(Merry Christmas!) I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying, "I love you, " I meant it
Now, I know what a fool I've been
But if you kissed me now
I know you'd fool me again

Lance scrolled through his favorite person's Instagram page, Allura's, she was so pretty with that hair and those eyes and those pretty ears. Oh he just couldn't get enough and went through liking all the photos from 7 years ago like a creeper.

He remembered when he first saw Allura, it was last year at a coffee shop when he was playing his guitar as the snow fell outside. He caught her eyes and just had to get her number.

They went ice skating. They held hands as they saw the lights downtown. They had hot coco and cuddled as they watched Christmas movies in matching sweaters. It was all so perfect.

Well that was last Christmas.... and after Lance spent all the money in his piggy bank to buy her a a special present. The main gift was himself of course, but he also bought her a Christmas rose flower.

However... the day after Christmas after he gave these things to her, she totally dumped him! Well sort of.... she kinda already had a boyfriend named Lotor. And she never liked lance to begin with, Lotor was just gone for work vacation.

Lance felt so cheated. Now he had nobody for the holidays.

Lance sighed and turned off his phone. He couldn't dwell on last Christmas, especially not with Allura posting about all the cute things her and Lotor are doing this Christmas.

Maybe he just needed some space. He grabbed his guitar and headed downtown to his thinking spot. The coffee shop. Which was surprisingly the spot he meet Allura last year. But this year was going to be different!

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Lance strummed his guitar as he watched the trains passed by on the street. He hummed a little Christmas song as he let his mind wander.

"I just want you for my own—" Lance sang softly. "More than you could ever know."

He chuckled at his skills in playing the guitar and looked up our the window again. "Make my wish come true—" he sung, opening his eyes and catching someone watching him from the train station.

It was a short male in a red hat and scarf, a black coat and black jeans. He also seemed to be wearing black fingerless gloves as he watched Lance sing. He had this flirty smirk on his face and his black mullet was sprinkled in snow.

"All I want for Christmas..." Lance said as he watched the male watch him before getting onto the downtown train. "Is you...."

The male smiled and winked at Lance before the train took off.

Yes this year was going to be nothing like last Christmas.

Cause this year Lance was going to give his heart to someone special.

All We Could Have BeenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora