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"Can everyone just sit down at the table! We are going to have a nice family thanksgiving!" Shiro yelled at everyone on the castle of lions.

Everyone was a bit crazy today, Pidge was off in her room on here device, Allura and Coran were asking a million questions about this human holiday, and Lance and Keith somehow managed to make a fight out of some stupid thing. The only one helpful was Hunk, who was cooking all the food.

"Now. I set the table, so everybody sit down, and I'm going to find Pidge again." Shiro said.

Everyone took their place at the table when Shiro went off, Hunk finished putting out the food.

"Ha! I sat down before you did." Lance said to Keith, oddly they choose to sit beside each other.

"We weren't even in a competition!" Keith snapped, grabbing one of the knives and slicing a bit of the turkey off.

"Well I still won." Lance said, grabbing some mash potatoes for himself. And gravy of course.

"Stop fighting." Shiro snapped as he walked back with Pidge and they all took their places at the table.

"I heard we have a bird called a turkey as the symbol of our thanksgiving." Allura said.

"Yeah that's the bird." Pidge said, pointing to the turkey.

"But... but it's dead." Allura was confused.

"We honor it by eating it." Pidge said. "Messed up, but whatever." She grabbed some sweet potatoes.

"Can we just have a peaceful thanksgiving dinner." Shiro asked.

"Not with Keith here. He is gonna probably Stab somebody cutting that turkey!" Lance argued.

"Your lucky it's the turkey... and not you." Keith said a bit annoyed.

"Keith the turkey is already cut." Hunk said

"Well I'm cutting it again." Keith said.

"Now that everyone is here... should we say grace?" Shiro suggested.

"I... I haven't done that with my family.... since well... forever." Pidge said.

"Me too." Hunk said.

"Weird to think of us as a family?" Lance chuckled.

"I consider you all to be my family." Allura said.

"I'm going to start this thanksgiving by saying I am grateful you are my new family." Coran said. Then looked beside him at Pidge

"Oh... we are doing this game." Pidge said. "Well I am... in grateful I found my brother and my dad."

"I am grateful we aren't eating thanksgiving goo." Hunk said

"I am grateful for our success so far in defeating the Galra empire." Allura said

"I am grateful for my height." Lance said

"That's a stupid thing to be grateful for." Keith said

"Well I'm taller then you. So Hashtag winning!" Lance said. "But I am also grateful for my new cow!"

Keith rolled his eyes.

"Keith it's your turn." Shiro said.

"I.... I guess I'm grateful for knives." Keith said

"Now that's a stupid thing to be grateful for!" Lance said. "What can't think of anything better? What about a pet? A friend? Or your family?"

"Lance!" Shiro snapped at him.

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