some feelings just don't disappear- steve rogers

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when he never gives up on

her and she realizes she feels

more for him than she thought

she did


as you know I am running out of ideas once again. I came up with this as I went along so yeah it's gonna be really trashy hahah

also excuse me for literally always making y/n a stark...but I'm a sucker for tony and the relationship between them is just so wholesome I canttttt

also sorry this turned out a bit longer than i thought


Several days had passed and not one of the Avengers, nor Agent Coulson and several other SHIELD agents, had given up in search of you, working day and night to figure out what went wrong and what exactly went down that night you were captured. It didn't matter to them if they were taking any risks by doing so, as they were willing to go any length to get back one of their most skilled assets and and fighters.

It was 3 in the morning on a Friday, and everyone was still wide-awake, finalizing plans to come and get you after almost a week of nonstop research and working. After multiple failed attempts to get Steve out of the lab with Bruce and Tony, Natasha was finally able to drag him up to the lounge to take a break because it had been 37 hours since he had last slept, much less sat down and rested.

"I know we're going to find her soon," the super-soldier spoke quietly, shaking his head as he stared blankly out at nothing in particular and rubbed his eyes from the fatigue that was heavily weighing them down. "Coulson and the others were able to get a lock on her location and all I need to do now is finish stuff up, then---"

"Steve, you need to relax," Natasha interrupted, a gentleness in her tone as she looked at him with worry, "you haven't been sleeping and you've been worrying yourself sick. Don't you think you deserve a break for once?"

"I can't rest when she's still out there somewhere. Don't you feel the same?"

"Of course I do, she's my best friend. Look, my point being is you need to stop overworking yourself, or you're only going to feel worse later on."

He let out a long sigh. "I just hope she's okay."

"Do you love her?" she suddenly questioned, gazing intently at the super-soldier across from her. "Y/N."

"Yeah, of course," Steve shrugged, confused as to why she would bring this sort of topic up all of a sudden, "why?"

"No, I mean, do you love her as in, not just in a friendly way."

"Why would you ask such a thing? We're just friends, teammates. I'm doing my respective job, and she's doing hers."

"I'm asking because I can clearly see that you want your relationship with her to become something more," the ex-assassin stated as she leaned back against the couch, "and it isn't hard for me to tell after working with you for so long. How else can we explain your protectiveness over her?"

"I think you're overthinking things."

"I think I'm right," she countered, folding her hands in her lap and raising an eyebrow at him, propping her feet up on the coffee table. "But do you want to love Y/N?"

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