can't help falling in love with you- peter parker

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a cliche where he never leaves

her side and they realize they're

both in love with each other


ok so the episode i watched today was SO CUTE. i had to write it down before i forgot. and yes. im doing a dr strange cameo even though hes specifically a neurosurgeon im making him a general doctor in this

sorry this is kinda long its like 2500 words almost! i didn't want to split it up again sooo


"Seriously?" you spoke tiredly into the phone and Peter glanced up at the hospital building, "you promised to protect a could you leave me without my permission? You told me to be within your sight. You said as long as I stay within your sight I'd be safe."

Peter walked up to the crosswalk and crossed the street to make his way over to you, despite the fact his lungs were screaming at him to stop because all he'd been doing for the past several minutes was running.

"Come back now," you pleaded, "I miss you."

"I'm coming, I'm coming," he replied, picking up the pace, "I'm coming now."

He started sprinting, sprinting past all the other pedestrians, down the sidewalk and burst through the doors of the hospital, running as fast as his legs could possibly take him.

"Excuse me, ma'am, which room is Y/N Stark in?" Peter asked in a hurried tone, completely out of breath as he'd just sprinted two miles straight and his clothes were beginning to stick to his skin, "I'm a family friend. I need to see her ASAP."

"One moment, please," the nurse held up a finger as she typed away on her keyboard before looking back up again, "Peter Parker, is that right? She's in room 307. Thanks to Dr. Strange and his team, the surgery went very well and she should wake up at any moment now."

"Thank you so much," he breathed out, and the woman gave him a friendly wave as he quickly dashed up the stairs, not even bothering to take the elevator because he knew he didn't have that sort of patience to wait.

People gave him confused glances as he dashed down the halls but he didn't care, running straight up the three flights of stairs without stopping and bursting through the doors to your room.

You turned your head to the side and noticed him there, breathing heavily and watery, red-rimmed eyes that held a worried gaze to them unlike anything you'd seen before. He bit his lower lip that began to tremble as he attempted to keep his tears at bay but you could tell he was struggling to do so.

It was easy to tell that he hadn't gotten any sleep at all in the past three days in which the doctors had told you you'd been asleep for, with bloodshot eyes and heavy dark circles underneath. Tony tried to drag him back home to get some rest but he wouldn't budge, waiting outside until he got any sort of news at all. Steve and Natasha tried forcing him to at least eat something, but he refused to. Sam and Pietro failed to get a laugh out of him, even with what they considered to be their greatest puns of all time. Frankly, everyone was worried not only for you but how worried he was.

"Why," he squeezed his eyes shut as a few tears slipped down his cheeks, "did you jump into such a dangerous scene? You have no fear, don't you? You could've actually died. What if you actually died?"

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now