won't let you go- peter parker

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in which he makes her a

promise that could change

both their lives forever


I got inspo yet again so here you go :) it's really cringey with a cliche ending and the plot sucks but I tried :( sorry for being inactive but hey my migraine is finally gone, so at least I can concentrate on writing more now!


"Peter, where the hell are you," you muttered to yourself as you peered out through the snowfall, "Come on, where did he go, come on...it hasn't been that long, where is he..."

You took one hand off the wheel and hastily wiped your nose with your sleeve as you tried to concentrate on keeping your gaze fixed forward and keeping an eye out for his familiar figure along the way. The snow had become increasingly thick and was beginning to fall faster now, making it more difficult for you to see as you drove.

Now you were starting to regret what you'd done to him. If you hadn't argued with him, kicked him out of the compound and forced him to walk all the way home in the freezing cold through the thick snow, then you wouldn't be out here trying to look for him because you were worried something bad could've happened.

An approaching vehicle caught Peter's attention as he was trudging down the gravel-paved roads and he turned around with the headlights shining right at him, and he looked rather confused when he saw you in the driver's seat. You quickly stepped on the brakes when you saw him standing in the middle of the road and unbuckled your seatbelt, quickly getting out of the car and rushing forward to him.

"Just...get in the car for now," you sniffed, taking ahold of his wrist and trying to tug him in your direction. "It's freezing and I can't risk having you catch a cold. I'll give you a ride home."

He refused to budge and simply stood there, observing you carefully and a worried look passing over his face upon seeing your bloodshot eyes watering with tears and your flushed cheeks.

"Peter...what are you doing? I can't let you freeze! It's only 20 degrees out and you're going to get hypothermia if you walk home by yourself like this!"

"Y/N..." he pleaded, "come on, please don't be mad..."

"How can I not?" you cried, voice cracking when you shouted. "How can I not be mad at you when you almost died out there? You almost died, Peter, you almost died. And you expect me to move on from that? I can't. Because I care about you, for God's sake, I care a lot more than I should-"

You didn't even realize that he'd pulled you into his arms until you were nestled firmly against his chest and you didn't fight it. You didn't fight it at all and clung to him because you needed this warmth, chest aching because you missed feeling strong arms around you and you were only just beginning to realize how much you needed something like this. And he just held you there, smoothing down your hair and a gentle hand tracing soothing circles onto your back.

"Let go of me," you mumbled as you tried to pull away from his embrace, "I didn't come for this."

He only tightened his grip around you in response and pulled you back towards him.

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now