the lengths that i will go- steve rogers

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in which he cares about her

a lot more than he'd like to



so this again is inspired by a kdrama episode! the scene from it fit in this oneshot rlly well so here you go hehe :) also this action scene was reaaaaaally poorly written bc i have rlly bad writers block and didn't know how to make things flow well :( I literally suck and im so sorry ahahaha

this is for my m8 @coldpepperoni bc ik you're obsessed with love-hate protective type friendships! lol it's a realllly cliche storyline but...cliche topic that I love ladsflkasdf


The missions Fury was giving the team these days were rather difficult, each one seeming even tougher than the last, both physically and mentally draining and tiring you to the point you fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow. This rarely ever happened unless you were actually dead tired and even then, it took a few minutes before you knocked out. You were slowly growing breathless from constantly moving around now, and from being on high alert for the past two hours with no breaks in between because you'd most likely be killed if you did so.

It was the same, boring procedure as always. Split up into your assigned groups or partnerships and stick with them for the duration of the mission. Do your part of the task and once finished, meet up with the others at the Quinjet and once everyone was done you'd head back home.

You didn't even have to think twice about what you were doing because you'd been on countless numbers of flights to and from HYDRA bases, knocked more soldiers unconscious than you could count with a blow from your fist or razor-sharp blades, and also received a fair share of wounds to remind you what exactly you'd just accomplished.

You'd been paired up with Steve for this occasion, which seemed slightly out of the ordinary to you as you'd always been with either Natasha or Sam, and partnerships didn't really switch very often unless a specific request was made.

"I'm not doing this so I can stick by you to protect you, if that's what you're thinking," Steve spoke breathlessly as you jogged side by side down the hallway together, your footsteps echoing eerily against the concrete flooring as you did so. "It's for both your own good, and mine. We're not about to lose any lives here."

Right at that moment a grenade came flying down in your direction and he quickly tugged you around a corner, holding his shield up above your faces as debris came raining down, making a metallic clink as they came into contact with the vibranium. You gave him a strange look before getting up and dusting yourself off, and continuing on.

Similarly, when a HYDRA agent was about to shoot at you he quickly stepped in front of you and threw his shield at the him, landing it right in his stomach and causing him to knock out cold, slumping to the ground at contact.

Every time something seemed like it was about to cause you harm he'd be quick to steer you clear out of harm's way and shelter you temporarily, if needed.

"You said you didn't purposely put me in the same group to make sure you could always keep your eye on me and make sure I was protected at all times," you breathed out as you landed a sucker punch to a soldier's jaw, before whipping around and kicking one smack in his chest right as he whipped a blade from his boot, "But now I'm starting to question whether that's true or not."

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